RDML Alton L. STOCKS Fleet Surgeon U.S. Fleet Forces Command VANGUARD 2009
2 USFF, in collaboration with PACFLT, organizes, mans, trains, maintains and equips the Fleet –Navy readiness –Navy Warfighting Capability Requirements –Joint Operational and Planning Support –Navy Anti-Terrorism Force Protection Command Mission
4 Overarching Capabilities Forward, rotational forces responsive to Component Commander demand Rapid surge to meet emerging demands Dissuade/deter to reduce chances of major combat operations Globally-netted Maritime Operations Centers Executing the Maritime Strategy
5 Navy’s Core Capabilities Forward Presence Sea Control Power Projection Deterrence Maritime Security Humanitarian Assistance / Disaster Response Executing the Maritime Strategy
6 Homeland Defense Joint Force maritime Component Commander for Northern Command Maintains alert forces Defense support for Civil Authorities Executing the Maritime Strategy
7 Humanitarian and Disaster Assistance USNS Mercy Pacific Partnership 2008 –Treated 90,000 primary care patients –Performed 14,000 dental exams –Conducted 1300 surgeries –Completed 26 construction projects Executing the Maritime Strategy
8 Humanitarian and Disaster Assistance USS KEARSARGE, during Continuing Promise 2008 humanitarian assistance to South America –Treated 47,000 primary care patients –Conducted 217 Surgeries –Dispensed 80,000 prescriptions –Completed 22 construction projects Executing the Maritime Strategy
9 AIRFOR SURFOR SUBFOR NECC MSC NSW NWDC MARFOR TMO USFF/CPF Surgeons N931 BUMED M3/M5 Fleet Health Domain Board of Directors C2F C3F C5F C6F C7F USFF Surgeon (FH BOD) (BUMED CEB) USFF (FRE) Navy SG (Healthcare Domain) FRE Linkage to Healthcare Domain
10 FHBOD Collaborative CBA Process Capability Based Analysis Fleets/TYCOMs, OPNAV, USMC, BUMED CBA Recommendations FHBOD Senior Members USFF/CPF Surgeons HSS Requirements USFF N8 Development Recommendation Decision
11 Fleet Health Domain initiated Global Naval Expeditionary Care System (GNECS) capability based assessment (CBA) to review fleet HSS requirements and identify capability gaps Evaluate and provide recommendations on the delivery of forward resuscitative care (FRC) capabilities across the Fleet Readiness Enterprise (FRE). Fleet HSS Requirements
12 GNECS CBA End State Identify Fleet forward resuscitative care requirements and capability gaps within the Fleet Readiness Enterprise. Collaborate within the FHBOD membership to conduct a CBA of theater hospitalization requirements and capability gaps within the Fleet Readiness Enterprise. Development of a Fleet HSS Initial Capability Document that will articulate Fleet HSS requirements and capability gaps.
13 From the oceans to the coast lines and into the rivers, The Sailors and Civilians of Fleet Forces Command Work together to defend our nation and prevail in the face of adversity with strength, determination and dignity From the oceans to the coast lines and into the rivers, The Sailors and Civilians of Fleet Forces Command Work together to defend our nation and prevail in the face of adversity with strength, determination and dignity The United States Navy Today