Have you already chosen your future profession? yes no thinking over What or who is influencing on your choice? parents teachers friends mass media other (myself) What are the most important factors in choosing the profession? the desire to become famous the desire to be in charge of social intercourse an opportunity to travel stability promotion at work good salary creative realization in your future profession being in demand in your future profession What character features are needed for your future profession? Name them if you know. Do you possess them already? yes no Partially What are the most popular professions to choose among the senior pupils nowadays? Do you think that these professions will be in demand in a 5-7-year period of time? - yes - no - possibly yes
What or who is influencing on your choice?
What are the most important factors in choosing the profession?
What character features are needed for your future profession? Knowledge of foreign languages Hard worker Active life position Leadership Piece of mind and cool head Seriousness and creativity Strong personality Ability to communicate with other people Creativity Good organization of the work
Do you possess them already?
Lawyer Businessman Manager Journalist Travel agent Photographer Artist Singer Editor Interpreter Psychologist FBI agent
Do you think that these professions will be in demand in a 5-7-year period of time?
AThe Outdoor professions BThe Office professions CThe Creative professions DThe Caring professions EThe Forces
Хочу надомогу Интересы Желания Мотивы Потребности Способности: Общие Специальные Необходимые обществу профессии
1. Do you like to be in the company of people your own age? YESNO 2. Is it important for you 3. Can you work well to be the best at things you without being told what to like doing? do?
Good points: you’re chatty, imaginative, lively, big hearted, artistic and loving. Bad points: you’re moody, nosy, fussy and a bit touchy sometimes The job for you: something creative or artistic like a Painter, Poet, Photographer, Actor, Singer, Dancer, Florist, Journalist, Architect, Sculptor, Hairdresser, Beautician, Chef.
Good points: you’re active, adventurous, “green”, tidy, energetic, practical, and organised. Bad points: you’re a bit of a loner, bossy, stubborn, and can be a bit of bad loser. The job for you: smth active, possibly involving animals, like a Vet, Postperson, Messenger, Dog trainer, Athlete, Surveyor, Police officer, Zookeper or Mechanic
Good points: you’re helpful, practical, caring, calm, patient, friendly, cheerful and outgoing Bad points: you can be a bit self-satisfied and have a tendency to hide your true feelings The job for you: smth which involves helping people like a Steward, Teacher, Nurse, Driving instructor, Midwife, GP, Nanny, Firefighter or Dentist.
Good points: you’re level headed, sociable, reliable, helpful, a good communicator, and creative Bad points: you can be crafty, insensitive, and a little cold Jobs for you: smth practical and creative like a Jewellery maker, Interior designer, Tourist officer, Customs officer, Caterer, Interpreter Market researcher
Good points: you’re clever, expressive, artistic, observant, and independent Bad points: you’re secretive, a bit antisocial, and sometimes lost in your own world The job for you: smth which involves reading and writing such as a Lawyer, Novelist, Museum Curator, English Teacher, Librarian
Good points: you’re fast thinking, logical, sensible, rational, cool-headed, ambitious, and keen to learn Bad points: you can be critical, calculating, slightly selfish and a little ruthless The job for you: smth analytical and fairly well paid like a Computer specialist, Politician, Pilot, Barrister, Surgeon, Advertising executive, Stockbroker, Entreprener
Профессии2006 год2009 год Юрист (адвокат, прокурор) 28 %20 % Экономист, финансист 20%12% Врач11%12% Банкир10%7% Предприниматель, бизнесмен10%6% Программист7%6% Государственный служащий7%6% Рабочий (слесарь, токарь)1%5% Учитель4% Художник, дизайнер, артист5%4% Сфера услуг (повар, парикмахер, продавец)4% Бухгалтер Военнослужащий 4% 3% Руководитель, директор Инженер 3% 2% 3%
Профессии, которые будут востребованы в ближайшем будущем Специалисты инженерных специальностей IT- разработчики (веб-дизайнеры) Специалисты в сфере нанотехнологии (производство микросхем, роботов в наноразмерах, инженерия на атомном уровне) Специалисты в области машиностроения, космической, пищевой и медицинской промышленности Специальности на стыке электроники и биотехнологий Специалисты маркетинга и продаж (через 10 лет будет переизбыток этих профессий) Специалисты в сфере сервиса Специалисты в логистике Специалисты по экологии Медицинские специальности, связанные с продлением жизни Химия