Children go to school every day. Действие происходит часто, обычно, время от времени повторяется
Действие происходит всегда или не происходит никогда I live in Primorskiy District. My sister never drinks juice.
Говорим об общепринятых истинах и законах природы In autumn leaves fall down from the trees. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
Действие происходит по раcписанию The train arrives on time. The bank closes at 7 p.m.
Present Simple образуется глагол + s если действие выполняют he she it
Nick swims in the swimming pool every day. Megan rides her bike in summer. The cat often sleeps on the bookshelf.
Present Simple образуется глаголбез s если действие выполняют weyou they I
We love English. They do exercises. You read at the lessons.
Вопросы и отрицание в Present Simple образуются при помощи Do Does Iwe you theyhe sheit
They play football very well. Do they play football very well? Yes, they do. Do they play football very well? No, they don’t. They don’t play football very well.
Правило КОШКИ – МЫШКИ: Если в предложении появляется то мышка does s убегает в норку! кошка
Ronaldinho plays football very well. Does he play football very well? Yes, he does. Does he play football very well? No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t play football very well. Jack plays football very well.
Вопросы: W h a t - Ч т о W h e r e – Г д е / К у д а W h e n - К о г д а H o w - К а к
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Children often write tests at school. What do children often write at school? Where do children often write tests? How often do children write tests at school?
Jack travels by car every summer. How Jack travel every summer?does When Jack travel by car?does