2015 Snohomish County Hazards Mitigation Plan Update Public Meeting Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management, Everett, WA October 23, :00 to 8:00 PM
Agenda 6:00 – 6:10Welcome and Introductions, Plan Development and Overview 6:10 – 6:25 Hazards and Risk Presentation 6:25 – 6:55 Discussion: Hazards and Risks 6:55 – 7:25Mitigation Presentation 7:25 – 7:55 Discussion: Mitigation Actions 7:55 – 8:00 Closing and Next Steps
Snohomish County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Process Plan Review, Resource Identification Goals and Objectives Risk Assessment Mitigation Actions Area- specific HMP Annexes Final Hazard Mitigation Plan Not a Regulatory Plan Public Comment Opportunities Public Meetings Public Survey
Planning Process Sub-Regions
Snohomish Hazards Ranking 1.Earthquake 2.Severe Weather 3.Flooding/Landslide & Mass Movements 4.Climate Change 5.Dam Failure 6.Tsunami/Seiche 7.Wildland Fire 8.Avalanche & Volcano 9.Hazardous Materials – Tier II/ Pipelines
Risks and Opportunities
Climate Change
Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Goals 1.Reduce natural hazard-related injury and loss of life. 2.Reduce property damage. 3.Promote a sustainable economy. 4.Maintain, enhance and restore the natural environment’s capacity to absorb and reduce the impacts of natural hazard events. 5.Increase public awareness and ability to respond to disasters.
Updated Objectives Support risk reduction mitigation measures, on lands where life safety and ecosystem services can be assured. Strengthen tools, such as the transfer and purchase of development rights (TDRs and PDRS) to remove threatened uses from hazardous areas or uses that degrade natural and beneficial functions. Discourage growth within high risk areas where risks cannot be reduced to a tolerable levels and within flood risk areas where land uses are not water dependent (encourage growth in other areas). Relocate uses where safety to life or vital ecosystem services cannot be assured.
Updated Objectives cont’d Support actions that mitigate the causes of climate change and adapt to expected impacts. Provide incentives that support the mitigation of impacts to critical manufacturing and manufacturing support facilities and operations. Reduce the adverse impact of disasters on isolated communities. Reduce the adverse impacts, and exploit beneficial functions, of natural hazards to resource lands.
Hazards and Risk Discussion
Context Preferred Alternative – Urban Villages New Economy
What is Mitigation? Event Preparedness -- (Protection/Prevention) Before During After Mitigation Phases of Emergency Management
Do nothing Retreat Accommodate Protect What is Mitigation? With Sea Level Rise } Avoid
Past Action Items Retreat Accommodate Protect Avoid
2010 HMP Action Items -- General 1.Locate critical facilities in low risk areas or retrofitted. 2.Support retrofitting, purchase or relocation of structures 3.Create or enhance public information programs and community self-sustainability 4.Support and increase local governments’ capacity for hazard mitigation planning 5.Integrate HMP with other planning efforts 6.Support, maintenance, improvement and implementation HMP
Wildfire - FiresWise Severe Weather Water conservation (drought) Backup infrastructure (generators ) Earthquakes Develop neighborhood-based continuity plans (businesses and neighborhoods) Incentivize structural retrofitting, particularly for critical facilities Tsunami - Improve warning (Tsunami Ready ) Volcano Disclosure notice Evacuation routes Land Slides: Perform Geotechnical evaluation Stabilize slopes (reduce erosion) - Avalanche, Climate Change and Hazardous Materials -- NA Dams -- Create Dam Failure Emergency Action Plans. Flooding Participate in Risk MAP program, CRS Upgrade/improve flood hazard warning Develop basin floodplain plans Manage stormwater management Buy “repetitive loss” properties Maintain existing flood control facilities
New Risks and Opportunities 530 Landslide - other similar risk areas exist such as this Climate change: – More rain in Winter – 100 year flood becoming 50 year, 30 year, 10 year… – Greater discharges, sediment, erosion, landslides – Less rain in Summer – drought, fire, ecology changes – More severe weather - hotter weather (even colder) – Decreasing snow in mountains New Growth – 40+ growth within past 10 years – Stresses on resource lands – Opportunities for strengthening communities.
Snohomish County Future Vision Accommodate growth within urban growth areas Reduce land consumption through urban development within neighborhoods or urban centers Reduce development pressures and patterns of sprawl within rural areas Conserve agricultural, forest and mineral resource lands of long- term commercial significance (floodplains) Preserve and protect open space, scenic and cultural resources.
Discussion: How can Snohomish County: Encourage building in safe areas and not in high risk areas? Encourage communities to better accommodate flooding (and drought)? Encourage resilient community design that provides easier access to basic services? Strengthen community networks? Increase individual and community preparedness?