Business Management studies how a business is managed in the monetary and political way. The study of society is crucial. Supply and demand theory: business should know what a the society wants. College of Business Administration (COBA) at UTEP, under the Marketing and Management department. 21 faculty members: Professors, assistant professors, and lecturers.
This discipline was chosen because is the field that I will be studying through my university education. The purpose of this research is to investigate and explore deep into the discipline of Business Management. This research methodology was chosen because it will give specific information by answering strategic questions. 1.How does a novice submit to and engage the disciplinarity of Business Management to become an insider in its discourse community and culture and thus become a more successful student? 2.On what kind of community, or society, should one be involved in order to be more focused in the business field? 3.What characteristics does an individual need to have in order to be successful in the business field?
The study of how a business is managed in order to be successful. Specializations in the business field: › Accounting › Finance › Economics › Marketing › Management All these serve to the same purpose; to administrate and manage a business successfully.
Business Management is not only the management of a business. › Study of people, resources. › How these resources are distributed among people, and how to take advantage of these resources strategically (Guerrero, Oct. 8). Graduation requirements. (Degree Plan, 2014) › 120 credits/hours. › Specific courses: Economics, Accounting, Management, Political science. Difficulty of classes increases as the academic level increases too (Survey, Oct 22) (Course Syllabus,2014).
Different methods were needed to collect this information. These methods were interviews, surveys, site observations, document analysis, and data coding. › Interview.- Professor Laura Guerrero, PhD Business Management and Organizational Studies. BUSN 209. Oct 7 th. No longer than 15 min › Surveys.- Distributed on a higher level class: Principles of Management and Organizational Studies. Oct 22 nd. BUSN distributed. 46 collected › Documents.- Two documents analyzed. Course curriculum.- Used by anyone enrolled or thinking of enrolling. gives specific courses and credits. Course syllabus.- Contains important information about the course, such as materials needed, evaluations, policies and objectives
› Site observation.- Small auditorium on the Business building. Same date and place as the survey. Principles of Management and Organizational Studies. › Data coding.- all the data collected from the interview and the surveys was simple. Understandable language.
On what type of community, or society, should a student be involved in order to be more focused in the business field? › “As a student, the adequate community is any community that has a manager. Part time job is the most common environment among students. Any environment where you can be in touch with a manager is a good place”. (Dr. Guerrero, 2014). › We as student could learn from a person who already is managing any place or any business.
What characteristics does an individual need to have in order to be successful in the business field? › “A business student should be a dedicated person, one who knows what his /her goals are and a studious and practical student”. (Dr. Guerrero, 2014). › “A perfect student will be any student that is able to follow directions and anyone that thinks ahead”. (Dr. Guerrero, 2014). › Dedication, study, obedience, team working and future thinking are the characteristics a business student should have in order to succeed in this field.
Business Management as a culture involves the study of society and resources that result in managing businesses in all, if not most, industries. Managing a business not only includes mathematics, but also the study of informal and formal institutions. Formal institutions include the study of regulations, laws, and so on. Informal institutions include culture, norms, and habits, which are just as crucial as the formal. Business Management is a study that goes further than just the common knowledge. It will require time, effort, and the ability to apply knowledge to the outside world in order to become a successful student in the discipline.
Mathew, Roy. (March, 2013). UTEP by the numbers. Center for institutional Evaluation Research and Planning. Retrieved from dev/orsp%20workshops/Spring2013/UTEP%20by%20the%20Nu mbers%20-%204%2010%2013.pdf dev/orsp%20workshops/Spring2013/UTEP%20by%20the%20Nu mbers%20-%204%2010%2013.pdf BBA in Management. (June, 2014). College of Business Administration. Retrieved from neral%20Management.pdf neral%20Management.pdf Guerrero, Laura. (2014). Principles of Management and Organizational Studies. Course Syllabus. Retrieved from &ID=lguerrero5 &ID=lguerrero5