Entrepreneurship Mr. Bernstein Class Outline February 2016
Entrepreneurship Mr. Bernstein Course Goals Define and explore the prospects for Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship. Engage in the creative process of identifying unfulfilled desires of the marketplace, developing a business plan and managing a business operation in today’s business environment Understand similarities in management of non- profit and for-profit organizations 2
1. Course Outline – A. Unit 1: Entrepreneurship and the Economy – B. Unit 2: Going Into Business For Yourself – C. Unit 3: Researching and Planning Your Venture – D. Unit 4: Marketing and Marketing Analysis – E. Unit 5: Managing Your Business Process – F. Unit 6: Accounting, Financial Reporting and Risk Management 2. Textbook – A. Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management, Glencoe 3 Entrepreneurship Mr. Bernstein
3. Classroom Routine – A. Daily Structure – B. Behavior – C. Electronic Devices 4. Grading – A. 35% Quizes / 35% Projects / 15% Homework / 15% Class Participation – B. Quarterly Exams as per school policy 5. Makeup Policy – A. Tests and Quizes must be made up following day – B. Plan ahead 4 Entrepreneurship Mr. Bernstein
5. EI (Extra Instruction) – A. Before or After school – arrange with me – B. Extra effort will be considered 7. Additional Opportunities – A. Investment Club – B. Business Academy – C. FBLA 5 Entrepreneurship Mr. Bernstein
8. Evacuation Procedure 6 Entrepreneurship Mr. Bernstein