Holding and Storage Equipment The refrigerator (known in the trade as the cooler or the box) guards against spoilage and bacterial growth by keeping foods cold, usually, below 41°F (5°C). The walk-in is a room-size refrigerator with built-in shelves on the walls. The reach-in is a standard upright refrigerator that does not have freezer unit. 1 Cold Food Storage Equipment
Stelly’s Walk-in Fridge Organized Left-hand side; baking products, condiments Right-hand side; hazardous foods, raw meats – bottom, middle – cooked foods, top ready t eat foods. Center end; fruit and vegetables 2
Stelly’s Sandwich Fridge Organized Set up Monday first Block for cold sandwich preparation. Stock up- Wednesday 3
Stelly’s Sandwich Fridge Important Skill to learn ! 4
Holding and Storage Equipment The freezer stores foods purchased in frozen form; used to hold foods for longer times. The walk-in is a room-size freezer with built-in shelves on the walls. The reach-in is a standard upright freezer. 5 Cold Food Storage Equipment
Stelly’s Walk in Freezer Organized Left-hand side; baking, cookies, breads Right-hand side; meats, prepared main course items, nuts Center End; left over's wrapped and labeled, ready to bake breads, buns 6
Stelly’s Walk Ice Machine Organized- tray on top for ICE SCOOPS, plastic bags Only Ice scoops used in machine Be careful of cross- contamination Do not let people use the ice scoops to touch the mouths of water bottles. 7