EEG Biofeedback Improving Treatment Effectiveness
What Are Brainwaves? Brainwaves are the sum total of millions of neurons all firing at once. The number of neurons sparking in the brain at a certain frequency (speed) convey information that defines the amplitude (or power). Brainwaves are measured in Hertz (waves per second), and have a spectrum of frequencies. Each frequency spectrum carries a different meaning about emotions, physical movement, concentration, and creative expression.
Frequency bandwidths are part of the whole raw electroencephalograph (EEG) Low Beta (12-15 HZ), aka SMR Beta (15-32 HZ)
Frequency bandwidths are part of the whole raw electroencephalograph (EEG) Alpha (8-12 HZ) Theta (4-8 HZ) What could I have done better?
Frequency bandwidths are part of the whole raw electroencephalograph (EEG) Delta (2-5 HZ) Gamma (38-42 HZ)
Too Little Poor sleep, dissociation RoboticExhaustion Scattered, distracted Tired, depressed, unmotivated Normal Restorative sleep Intuitive Peaceful, calm, relaxed Present, ready for action Focused in action Too Much Depressed, sluggish Fuzzy, foggy daydreaming Anxiety, hypervigilance Depressed Mind chatter, unable to relax Delta 1-4 Hz Theta 4-8 Hz Alpha 8-12 Hz SMR Hz Beta Hz Brainwaves in Relation to Activity Levels
EEG Biofeedback, a.k.a. Neurofeedback, is no different than learning how to ride a bike. If a parent explains to a child how to ride a bike that child would still not be able to ride one. The mind’s knowledge does not always translate into information for our brain. Our brain learns from experience, and we do that with the help of feedback.
In this case, gravity is giving feedback to the brain.
Sometimes tools can assist the learning process such as using training wheels. How does neurofeedback work as a tool to teach the brain new skills? Eventually the brain develops new neural connections, which translates into, “Look, Mom, I can do it!”
What is EEG biofeedback? The Simplest Explanation
What Happens During a Session?
Training Brainwave Frequencies BETA/SMR PROTOCOLS HELP: Better focus and concentration More present Improves objectivity Stabilizes mood More calm and relaxed ALPHA/THETA TRAINING ASSISTS: Less self-absorbed More open minded Less defended More connected emotionally Increase peace and serenity Have more objective observations Access and integrate repressed experiences
How Does EEG biofeedback Apply to Addiction Recovery? UCLA Addiction Study (n=121) demonstrated that EEG biofeedback complements other treatment modalities to improve retention and the odds for long term sobriety to 77% from 44% The results from the UCLA Addiction Study has been replicated by other research teams Addiction Treatment Centers are also witnessing the same results that the UCLA research team concluded.
Mechanisms of Alpha Theta Reactive Sensory Input Alpha is the idle rhythm of the cortex Less active cortex has higher amplitude alpha
Alpha is the idle rhythm of the cortex More active cortex has lower amplitude alpha Mechanisms of Alpha Theta Calm Sensory Input
Why Does EEG biofeedback Apply to Addiction Recovery? Threats of ongoing recovery to an addicted brain triggers a defensive survival response. EEG biofeedback trains the brain to avoid this reactive state. This causes the brain to better integrate the treatment process.
Using Neurofeedback as an AMA early warning detection method If the client’s Alpha brainwave, 8-11Hz, increases during 3 consecutive Alpha Theta sessions, it can be time to do a little investigating...
Replicate Research Results in Treatment Environment UCLA Addiction Study ResultsTreatment Center Results
For More Information: For a copy of the UCLA Study: Addiction- For a copy of AZ Together Article: For more info on EEG Biofeedback: To experience EEG Biofeedback: For a Rehab Directory:
Just as you always remember how to ride a bike… improvements made with neurofeedback you usually keep. Are the gains permanent?