November 20 th & 21 st (SPAN 2) Bell ringer: Verb of the day: Levantarse – to get up On the top of the index card, write today’s date. Then write today’s verb and draw a picture to help you remember the meaning of the verb. On the back side of the same index card, write the meaning of the verb in English. Write a sentence in Spanish saying….. “In the morning, I get up at (insert the time you get out of bed).”
Padre Nuestro En el nombre del padre, el hijo, y el Espíritu Santo, Amen. Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo. Santificado sea tu nombre. Venga tu reino. Hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día. Perdona nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden. No nos dejes caer en tentación y líbranos del mal. Amen.
MSM LANGUAGE BANQUET When? Tuesday, December 2 nd (5:15 ish -7:30pm) Where? MSM cafeteria If you signed up to donate a prize, please bring it to Sra. Stribling ASAP!
QUIZ TIME: Vocab. Quiz # 8: Ch. 7 Sections 4 & 6 Take out a sheet of paper and number from 1 to 10. Don’t forget to write your heading! Flip your paper over when you finish and then SIT QUIETLY! You can put your head down on your desk, draw a picture, or write me a note while you wait for your classmates to finish testing!
Homework check: Last class you were asked to complete WB pg. 73. Please place your work on your desk now, so that you can get a completion stamp. We will go over the correct answers together. You should be checking & correcting your answers!
Ch. 7 Goals “La rutina diaria” Learn vocabulary to talk about daily routines and personal hygiene Describe daily routines using reflexive verbs and adverbs of time (before, after, then, later, etc.) Use positive and negative expressions (always/ never, someone / no one, etc.) Using the words pero & sino in context The conjugations of the verbs SER & IR in the past tense preterite Using verbs like gustar (fascinar, encantar, etc.)
Review: Reflexive Verbs The 1 st step is to determine if the person is doing the action to themselves! (If yes, then you will use a reflexive verb.) The –AR/-ER/-IR verb will conjugate with the endings for the present or past tense, BUT you have to use a reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nos, se) with it to show that the person is doing the action to themselves! The reflexive pronoun will usually go BEFORE the conjugated verb UNLESS….. 1) you are using the present progressive “-ing” tense (-ando for AR verbs & -iendo for ER/IR verbs) 2) you have 2 verbs back to back. In this case, the reflexive pronoun will attach to the “–ing” (ando/-iendo ) or to that 2 nd verb that stays in the infinitive form!
What’s the difference between the following statements? Yo me baño. = I am bathing (myself). This is conjugating the verb bañarse in the present tense! Yo estoy bañándome. = I am bathing (myself). This is conjugating the verb bañarse in the present progressive tense which requires: 1) using a form of ESTAR 2) attaching the reflexive pronoun to the “–ing” ending 3) adding an accent mark!
Let’s conjugate the verb Afeitarse (to shave) Present tense: Present Progressive Tense: Me afeito Te afeitas Se afeita Nos afeitamos Se afeitan Estoy afeitándome Estás afeitándote Está afeitándose Estamos afeitándonos Están afeitándose
Let’s conjugate the verb Afeitarse (to shave) Preterite Past Tense: Me afeité Te afeitaste Se afeitó Nos afeitamos Se afeitaron
Adverbs that describe time Antes = before & Después (de) = after / then Entonces = then Luego = then Durante = during Más tarde = later on Por último = Finally
Ch. 7 – El vocabulario (en contexto) Listening Practice: TB pg. 227 Activity 2 – Textbook Audio Program MP3s Lesson 07 – 02 Contextos Act2 NOTE: If you were absent, you will NOT be able to do the listening activities as make-up work since the audio plays from my computer.
Práctica (en clase): Do TB pg. 238 Activities 1-3 individually. ALL of the reflexive verbs in these exercises will be conjugated using the present tense! Write your answers in complete sentences for all activities, please! See chart on TB pg. 237 for help with the meaning of the verbs. Vestirse (e:i) Ponerse (-go) Sentirse (e:ie) Acostarse (o:ue) Vestirse (e:i) Dormirse (o:ue) Despedirse (e:i)