Unit 8: Database and Storage Pool Backup and Recovery
2 Objectives Upon completion of this unit, you will be able to: Backup and recover the Storage Manager database. Backup and recover the storage pools.
3 TSM Server Backup Facilities TSM SERVER ONSITEONSITE Copy Storage Pools Database Backups Database Rec Log Database Mirror Rec Log Mirror Database Backups Copy Stg Pools OFFSITEOFFSITE
4 TSM Database Backup Objectives Backup without interruption of services. Multiple options to initiate database backup. Disaster recovery support. Restore to most recent state. Restore to a specific point in time. Restore an individual database volume. DB Snapshot backup. System object support.
5 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Database Backup Types of database backups Full backup Incremental backups (default) Database Out-of Band (Snapshot) backup Full backup when required Database has never been backed up. Maximum incremental backups reached. Database has been extended or reduced. Recovery log mode changed to roll forward (default = normal) full TSM DB Up to 32 Incremental backups "Database backup series"
6 Storage Manager Database Backup – Full Versus Incremental TIMETIME Full only orfull plus incremental 1st backup 2nd backup 3rd backup Full backups take longer to run than incremental backups. Recovery time is faster with full backup only.
7 Database Out-of-Band (Snapshot) Backup Does not interrupt the normal backup series. Can be taken off-site. Normal backup series stays onsite for availability. Is integrated into Disaster Recovery Manager processing as well as volume history processing. TSM Database
8 Storage Manager Database Backup Command BAckup DB DEVclass=devclassname Type=Incremental / Full / DBSnapshot VOLumenames=volname(s) Scratch=Yes/NoWait=No/Yes Storage Manager SERVER DB Vol History Rec Log Devconfig
9 Storage Manager Database Backup Related Commands Query DB Format = Detail Query VOLHistory Pct. Util: xx% Date/Time: 04/22/ :04:01 Max Pct. Util: xx% Volume Type: BACKUPFULL Incremental since last full: x Backup Series: 3 Changed since last backup (MB) xxx Backup Operation: 0 Volume Seq: 1 Device Class: TESTBUDB Volume Name: D:\TSM\SERVER\ DBB DELete VOLHistory TODate=TODAY -7 Type=DBBackup
10 Storage Manager Database Backup and Recovery: Database Recovery Point-in-time recovery Up to 32 Incrementals1 Full Recovery to most current state Up to 32 Incrementals1 Full LOG Roll Forward Single database volume recovery Up to 32 Incrementals1 Full LOG Roll Forward
11 Database Recovery Considerations + Smaller size for recovery log. + No auditing of database required after restore. - Cannot restore to most recent state. - Single database volume cannot be restored. - Auditing of storage pools required after restore. Point-in-time recovery Up to 32 Incrementals1 Full
12 Database Recovery Considerations (cont.) + Database can be restored to most recent state. + No auditing of database and storage pools required after database stored. + Single database volume can be restored. - Larger recovery log. - Mirrored recovery log consumes additional disk space. Roll-forward recovery to most current state Up to 32 Incrementals1 Full LOG Roll Forward Mirroring + Roll-forward = Comprehensive Protection
13 Database Recovery – Restore Command volume history files device configuration TSM database volume history files device configuration Backup volhist Backup devcnfg
14 Restoring the Server Current copies of the following items will enable you to restore your server: volhist.out devcnfg.out dsmserv.opt dsmserv.dsk database backup storage pool backup
15 Database Recovery – Restore Command Examples Restoring a database to its most current state: DSMSERV RESTORE DB Preview=No|Yes Restoring a single database volume to its most current state: DSMSERV RESTORE DB DBVolume=volname Preview=No|Yes Restoring a database to a specific point in time - history file available: DSMSERV RESTORE DB TODate=date TOTime=time Source=DBBackup / DBSnapshot Preview=No|Yes Restoring a database to a specific point in time - history file unavailable: DSMSERV RESTORE DB DEVclass=DEVCLASSNAME VOLumename=volname COMMIT=No|Yes
16 Initiating Database Backup Scheduling backups BACKUP DB command Recommended way to do backups Specifying automatic backups DEFINE DBBACKUPTRIGGER command Based on recovery log threshold Complements the schedule backups Safety valve: Ensures you do not run out of log space Only with roll-forward mode Running manual backups Can be taken at any time
17 DBBACKUPTRIGGER and Log Mode DEFine DBBackuptrigger DEVclass=devclassname LOGFullpct=percentage (50% default) NUMINCremental=number (6 default) Query Status Server Name : TSM. Log Mode : Roll forward. TSM SERVER DB
18 Recommendations Preferred alternative: use roll-forward recovery mode. Complement with database mirroring for 24 hours, 7 days environment. Use recovery log mirroring. Define volume history and device class backup files. Backup database using administrator scheduling facility. Complement with automatic backup trigger. Schedule database backup together with storage pool backup. Store backup volumes off-site. Store backup of DSMSERV.OPT and DSMSERV.DSK off- site.
19 Storage Pool Backup and Recovery Objectives Backup without interruption of service. Restore one volume in a storage pool. Restore a complete storage pool. Disaster recovery support. Automatically switch to duplicate copy if primary file is damaged.
20 Backup of Storage Pool Files Copy storage pool Sequential only Multiple primary pools can use one copy pool Recommended backup entire primary storage pool hierarchy to same copy pool Backup to copy pool Asynchronous from client backup File level granularity Incremental backup of files Initiate backup Manually with command or GUI Automatically with administrative command scheduling Once per primary pool Primary Storage Pool Copy Storage Pool BACKUP STGpool primarypool copypool
21 Backup of Storage Pool Files (cont.) Used to support both media and disaster recovery. Backup initiated for each copy using different copy pool targets. Volumes stored on-site Used for media failure. Files automatically accessed if primary copy damaged. Volumes stored off-site Used for disaster. Files never automatically accessed. Stored together with database backup. ON-site volumesOFF-site volumes Primary Pool Hierarchy Copy Pools
22 Define a Copy Storage Pool Define STG poolname devclassname Pooltype=COPY DESC=description ACCESS=READWRITE COLLOCATE=NO|YES RECLAIM=100% MAXSCRATCH=value (represents % empty) DEF VOLUME poolname volname ON-site volumesOFF-site volumes Copy Pools
23 Backing Up Storage Pool Hierarchy ON-site volumesOFF-site volumes Primary-dsk Copy Pools Primary-tape Backup STGpool primarypool copypool MAXPRocess=1 Preview=NO/YES
24 Handling Off-site Volumes Set access mode to OFFsite Use location NO MOUNT REQUEST UPDate Volume Volname ACCess=Offsite Location=‘Vault’ ON-site volumes Primary-DSK Copy Pools Primary-TAPE OFF- site vo lumes
25 Reclamation of Off-site Volumes ON-site OFF-site Reclamation 100% file A file B file A file B file A..... How? INSTALLINSTALL CUSTOMICUSTOMI From: Focal Point To: Server 011 Software Package FRAGILE Query VOLume UPDate VOLume
26 Restore of Storage Pool Files Copy Pool Storage Pool Damaged FilesDamaged Volumes Damaged volumes within a storage pool FilesVolume
27 Accessing Damaged Files Storage Manager automatically access copy storage pool file if volume is on-site. Run RESTORE storage pool periodically to restore damaged files. Periodically check for damaged file using AUDIT volume. Copy Storage Pool with On-site Volumes Primary Storage Pool File D marked damaged A C B DB A DC
28 Recovering from a Media Loss Use to restore a damaged volume in a primary storage pool. All backed-up files located on damaged volume are restored from copy storage pool. Files remaining on damaged volume after restore Analyze cause for your situation Can delete files using DELETE VOLUME3
29 Restore Volume Command RESTORE Volume volname COPYstgpool=copypool NEWstgpool=newprimarypool MAXPRocess=numprocesses (1) Preview=No/Yes Wait=No|Yes RESTORE Volume VOL2 MAXP=2 Storage Manager SERVER DB VOL1VOL2VOL3 CPYVO1CPYVO2CPYVO3 Primary Storage PoolCopy Storage Pool FILES
30 Recovering from a Major Media Loss Used to restore a damaged volume in a primary storage pool. Only volumes with an access mode of Destroyed are restored. Damaged files on other volumes in primary pool are also restored. Files restored to other volumes in primary storage pool. Files remaining on damaged volume after restore Analyze cause for your situation Can delete files using DELETE VOLUME VOL1 VOL3 VOL2 VOL4 Primary Storage Pool Copy Storage Pool VOL2 and VOL3 are damaged RESTORE STGPOOL poolname
31 Restore Storage Pool Command UPDATE VOLume volumename Access=DESTROYED RESTORE STGpool primarypool COPYstgpool=copypool NEWstgpool=newprimarypool MAXPRocess=numprocesses Preview=No|Yes Wait=No|Yes RESTORE STG PRIMARY Storage Manager SERVER DB Primary Storage PoolCopy Storage Pool FILES VOL1VOL2 VOL3 VOL4 CPYVO1CPYVO2 CPYVO3 CPYVO4
32 Recover Storage Pool Volumes Using Off-site Volumes Determine the copy pool volumes needed to restore. Set the access mode of the copy volumes UNAVAILABLE. Bring the identified volumes to the on-site location. Set the access mode to READO. Restore the destroyed files. Set the access mode of the volumes to OFFSITE. Return the volumes to the off-site location. CHECKLIST
33 Maintaining the Integrity of Files AUDIT VOLUME
34 Backup and Recovery Recommendations Backup entire primary storage pool hierarchy to same copy pools. Consider using at least one copy pool for on-site recovery and one for disaster recovery. Use administrative command scheduling to automate storage pool backups. Backup up database and storage pools together. Backup storage pool first Save the volume history and device configuration file (Send off-site along with the DSMSERV.OPT and DSMSERV.DSK). Consider running AUDIT VOLUME to mark damaged files. Run RESTORE STGPOOL periodically to replace damaged files.
35 Protecting Your Database and Storage Pool Create a copy storage pool. Do a back up of the primary storage pools to the copy storage pool. Do the following daily: Do a back up of the primary storage pools to copy storage pools. Back up the database. Save the volume history file and the device configuration file. Move off-site storage pool volumes, database backup volume history file, and the device configuration file. Consider implementing Disaster Recovery Manager (DRM)
36 Student Exercise
37 Summary You should now be able to: Backup and recover the Storage Manager database. Backup and recover the storage pools.