Polled Hereford By: Drew Peach
Table Of Contents Originated Description Desirable Traits Body Shape Performance Top Animal Diseases and genetic problems References
Originated The Polled Hereford began in the U.S. The first know that was recorded was in Kentucky in In 1898 the first serious breeding program started. To this date there has been 5.5 million Polled Herefords registered.
Description They are medium framed cattle with distinctive red body color. The head, front of the neck, brisket, the underside, and the switch are white. They have well developed fore-quarters, a deep brisket, broad head and stocky legs. They are generally docile and fast growing cattle.
Desirable Traits Outstanding beef-producing characteristics Naturally hornless
Body Shape Soundness Large feet Good movement No post legs or open shoulders Coat quality and thickness of hides
Performance Used for breeding Used for meat
Top Animal
Diseases and Genetic Problems Hairless at birth Reduced red blood cell production causing death before 6 months Beta-man. It’s a defective enzyme that causes calves to never get up and they will die Fusion of two toes on a foot
References lledhereford/index.htmhttp:// lledhereford/index.htm hortcourse/1992/DOUGLASS.PDFhttp:// hortcourse/1992/DOUGLASS.PDF ock/beef/facts/ htm#GENETIChttp:// ock/beef/facts/ htm#GENETIC
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