BUP and Sustainable Development in the Baltic Region Prof. Ashok Swain Director, Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development
Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development Established in It is a Collaboration between: Uppsala University & Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
CSD Uppsala Strives at: To become a catalyst for research and teaching on sustainable development within both the universities in Uppsala & To create a meeting place and build bridges between students, researchers of these two universities and outside world in the field of sustainable development
CSD Uppsala and its Programmes CSD Uppsala has its core staffs and also three programmes: Baltic University Programme (BUP) Centre for Environment and Development (CEMUS) Uppsala Water Centre (UVC)
BUP and its Contributions Uppsala University, through BUP supports and promotes sustainable development in the Baltic region BUP not only contributes to SD through teaching and research in region, but also involved heavily in the ’third’ area, the public service BUP strives to become an active partner in social, cultural and environmental aspects of regional development
Sustainable Development as a Concept: The Brundtland Commission (The World Commission on Environment and Development) Report: Our Common Future defines, Sustainable Development: “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” It implicitly rejected the 1970s idea of environmental limits to growth. By accepting the desirability of growth, it focused on how development should be achieved. To achieve SD, there is a need to redefine strategies that will enable nation-states to move the ‘usual’ process of growth and development to integrate economic, social and environmental considerations in their decision making.
Education Environment Society Economy The Evolution of SD as a Concept in post- Jo’berg Summit, 2002 (Scoullos 2005)
Education for Sustainable Development Environmental Protection Application of innovative science & appropriate technology Social Cohesion & Welfare Responsible Economy Effective Institutions (Good planning, etc) Governance To obtain Sustainable Development:
The Baltic University Program (BUP) and Education on Sustainable Development a network of networks in the region facilitating the process of talking to each other connecting the region, connecting the world
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