Resolution 64/236, 2009 of the UN General Assembly: Determines the development of the the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Río de Janeiro (Brazil) in june 2012, “Río+20”. Objectives: To obtain a secure renewed political commitment for sustainable development, assessing the progress to date and the remaining gaps in the implementation of the outcomes of the major summits on sustainable development. Member States have agreed to discuss: a)Green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty erradication; and b)the institutional framework for sustainable development. CONTEXT
BACKGROUND The international level: World Charter for Nature (1982), Our Common Future Brundtland Report (1987), the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (Rio Declaration) and Agenda 21 (1992), Earth Summit +5 (1997), the Earth Charter (2000), the Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development and its Plan of Implementation (2002). The sub-regional amazon level.The ACT(1978),. The Declarations of the Meetings of the Presidents of Member Countries (1989, 1992),. Declaration of the Heads of State on the ACTO (2009),. Declaration of the X Meeting of Ministries of Foreign Affairs of ACTO (2010),. Declaration of the X Meeting of Ministries of Foreign Affairs of ACTO to the XVI Conference of parties of UNFCCC (2010),. Strategic Plan (2004). Amazonian Strategic Cooperation Agenda(2010).
BACKGROUND The international debate on sustainable development has a direct link with the cooperation activities that the Amazon Countries have been developing since the entry into force of the ACT. Declaration of Heads of State on the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization - November 2009, that “sustainable development in the Amazon is a priority through a comprehensive, participatory and equitable management, as a way to give an autonomous and sovereign response to the current environmental challenges, taking into account the effects of the international financial crisis”. to endow the Organization with “a new and modern role as a cooperation, exchange, knowledge and joint projection forum to face the new and complex international challenges that lie ahead”.
Manaus Declaration of Heads of State about ACTO. November Extraordinary Meeting of the CCA May XIV Meeting CCA X Meeting of Min. of Foreign Affairs. Approval of the AECA. November 8ª CoP CBD 2011 Coordination Meeting of the ACTO Environmental Agenda August - September Coordination Meeting of the ACTO Environmental Agenda August - September 2012 I Meeting of Ministries of Environment of ACTO Approval of the Ammendment Protocol to ACT Creation of SP/OTCA Estratégic Plan 2004 – 2012, (Manaos, 2004 ) I Meeting of the CNPs XV Meting CCA Preparatory Meeting ECLAC BACKGROUND
ACTO & RIO+20 Opportunity for political positioning ACTO should play a role that allows it to be an Organization that is internationally recognized within the Member Countries and in the international environment as a reference in regional cooperation, discussions and positions on topics of the international agenda related to the Amazon, and sharing experiences, guided by the principles of full sovereignty, respect and harmony with nature, integral sustainable development and reducing asymmetries between the nations of the region, as it is established in its Vision (2010).
Draft Declaration The Member Countries of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization: Recognizing that the Rio Conference of `92 meant the rise of a new development paradigm has not completely overcome the major challenges to deal with poverty worldwide. Therefore, the Rio+ 20 conference is an adequate opportunity to assess and determine actions and measures that could attain the goals of sustainable development, thus the relevance that must be given to the Amazon region for its contribution and significance of its biodiversity, climate stability and its own development. PROPOSAL TOWARDS RIO+20
Draft Declaration Inspired by the principles of sovereignty, solidarity, cooperation, participation of the Amazonian society, respect and harmony with nature, integrated sustainable development and reducing asymmetries among the nations of the Amazon region. Aware of its responsibility to provide a regional perspective for the process of discussion on the Rio+20 conferences, decided to adopt these actions: DECLARATION Affirm their conviction that a full sustainable development in the Amazon region in particular, shall be achieved by the balance between the use of resources, its protection and conservation thus respecting the equity that assures its integrated sustainable development, besides the effective presence of the State under its various levels of government and of Amazonian populations with the full exercise of its rights and obligations within the framework of the national legislation and international agreements. PROPOSAL TOWARDS RIO+20
Draft Declaration Issue a call for the promotion of a sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, in harmony with nature and the environment and taking into consideration the internal regulations of the Member Countries, respecting the rights of those countries to use their own resources to ensure their welfare and progress. Emphasize the support and the contribution of South-South cooperation as an instrument for the reduction of the asymmetries and for properly coordinated regional action, with a view to strengthening these initiatives, providing new and additional resources and an effective transference of technology. Reaffirm their commitment to maintain the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization as a permanent forum of cooperation, exchange and knowledge aimed at the reduction of regional asymmetries among the Member Countries, accompanying the national processes of socio- economic progress, thus permitting a gradual incorporation of those territories in their respective national economies, promoting the adoption of regional cooperation actions that would result in the improvement of the quality of life of the inhabitants of the Amazon. PROPOSAL TOWARDS RIO+20
Draft Declaration Reaffirm that the regional vision of conservation and sustainable use of the natural renewable resources with the focus upon sustainable development and the improvement of the quality of life of the inhabitants of the Amazon are crosscutting regional axes. Recognize the challenges that countries face jointly in the pursuit of sustainable development, where transfer of technology, innovation and finance must be part of the agenda of international and regional discussions in the quest for mechanisms that contribute to its implementation. Congratulate themselves for the adoption at the 10 th Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Amazonian Cooperation Treaty Organization of the Amazon Strategic Cooperation Agenda, which could become a model for building consensus and collaboration to achieve the new goals of development, including institutional strengthening. PROPOSAL TOWARDS RIO+20
Suggested Roadmap for a Declaration The PS/ACTO will prepare a draft Resolution for the XI Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the ACT, to carry forward the process of adoption of the Declaration. The CCA will evaluate in its XVI Regular Meeting the project of Declaration to be discussed in the II Meeting of Ministries of Environment of ACTO (to be held in Peru in the first trimester of 2012). The XVI Regular Meeting of the CCA will prepare a final project of Declaration to be submitted to the approval of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs. PROPOSAL TOWARDS RIO+20
Suggested Roadmap for a Declaration To facilitate the process, if necessary, the Member Countries agreed to meet in short working sessions of the Intersessional Meetings of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development to be held in New York, 26 to 27 of March, 2012, and other preparatory meetings to be agreed. The PS/ACTO will begin efforts to organize a side event of the Member Countries for Rio +20 to issue the Declaration during the development of the Conference PROPOSAL TOWARDS RIO+20
Gracias, Thank you, Obrigado, Dank U