Seminar #2-Medical Coding Welcome, during the seminar, the chat feature will be disabled so that I am able to complete my agenda for the evening! Be sure to have your ICD-9-CM coding manual out for tonight! I will answer questions at the end. Thanks, Professor Campbell
Agenda Discussion on Course Project Unit 2 Overview & Objectives Using the ICD-9-CM Coding Manual Applying ICD-9-CM Coding Guidelines
Final Project (Due Week 8) For your Final Project, you are to write a paper that addresses why the ICD-10-CM has not yet been adopted in the United States, the reasons it is needed, and whether or not the ICD-10-CM is a classification or a nomenclature. You will also be asked to describe the layout and the major conventions used in ICD-10-PCS as well as include a table that will show the mapping of ten ICD-9-CM codes to their ICD-10-PCS counterpart.
Unit 2 Overview Read Chapters 3 & 4 Participate in Seminar Practice on your own using your workbook.
Unit 2 Objectives Define key terms found in Chapters 3 and 4 Find main terms and subterms in the alphabetic index Assign accurate codes by following cross-reference instructions and applying code conventions Describe and apply coding guidelines when assigning ICD-9-CM codes.
Format of ICD-9-CM Volume 1, Diseases. Tabular List (Diagnosis) Volume 2, Diseases, Alphabetic Index (Diagnosis) Volume 3, Procedures, Tabular List & Alphabetic Index (Inpatient Procedures)
Volume I Diseases, Tabular List Contains code numbers Diagnosis codes describe conditions V and E codes = Supplemental information Chapters 1-17
Volume 2 Diseases Alphabetic Index Appears first in the book Terms and code numbers in Volume I Never code directly from the Index!
Volume 3, Procedures Tabular List and Alphabetic Index Index and Tabular List used for procedures and therapies Inpatient settings only Procedures and therapies Maximum 4 digits. E.g Simple Mastoidectomy
Using the ICD-9-CM Determine the Main Term Locate the Main Term in the Alphabetic Index (Volume II) Review any subterms under the main term in the Index Follow any cross-referencing instructions. E.g. “see”, “see also”.
Using the ICD-9-CM Verify the codes (s) selected from the Index (Volume II) in the Tabular List (Volume I) Refer to any instructional notations in the Tabular Assign codes at the highest specificity. Code the diagnosis until all elements are completely identified.
Coding Scenario Epistaxis
Coding Scenario Vocal cord abscess
Coding Scenario Bell's palsy
Coding Scenario Gestational diabetes
Coding Scenario Diabetes mellitus, type 1, uncontrolled
Coding Scenario Acute myocardial infarction (MI), anterolateral wall, initial episode of care
Coding Scenario Benign hypertension
Coding Scenario Uterine cancer, behavior unknown
Coding Scenario HIV positive
Coding Scenario DTP vaccination