Online Research & Training Resources
Epigeum Research Skills Program Modules covering research skills including ethics, publishing, methods etc Available through BlackBoard (“GRS Training and Resources”; included in other online units)
Online Supervisor Training Supervisor Compliance Training now being delivered online as well as face-to-face Covers two modules: –Supervision: Performance, Rules & Support –The Process of Supervision Site available on BlackBoard (“Supervising HDR Candidates at ECU”) – staff and students Currently in testing; accessible as a repository Managing your Supervisor – coming soon
Online Research Training GRS offers a set of online modules focusing on research training Modules supported by SOAR Ambassadors, available through BlackBoard (in progress) Themes covered: –Research Management –Research Preparation –Career Development –Professional Skills
Qualtrics Online survey software Available for use across ECU Tutorials available through Qualtrics University
GRIP Graduate Research Induction Program “Seven modules that could save you a year” 1.Getting Started 2. Getting Organised 3. Working with Your Supervisor 4. Searching the Literature 5. Confirmation of Candidature 6. Literature Review & Research Methodology 7. Responsible Research
Sage Research Methods Online Materials covering research methods Over 600 ebooks - Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias and Handbooks - The entire "Little Green Book" and "Little Blue Book" series - Two Major Works collating a selection of journal articles - Newly commissioned videos (Coming Soon)
ProQuest Digital Dissertations Access to 2.7 million theses in full text Available from a Library One Search (states citation only but full text is available)
Electronic Book Library 60,000+ Ebooks Multidisciplinary
VDX Interlibrary Loan BONUS Document Delivery
A digital repository of research output, including theses, journals, conferences and galleries, produced by staff, postgraduate students and affiliated authors of ECU Research Online
Trove Online resource run by the National Library of Australia (NLA) Allows users to search content available across NLA databases Includes books, journals, magazines, maps, audio etc