Romanian Team from LTMV Caracal presents Rroma Community Gipsy-Ethnic Minority
Origins and Flag
Origins and Traditional Clothes
Stories about Rroma and Sinti Rich Gipsies
Stories about Rroma and Sinti Rich Gipsies
Stories about Rroma and Sinti Rich Gipsies
Stories about Rroma and Sinti Rich Gipsies and their festive meals
Stories about Rroma and Sinti Rich Gipsies and their festive meals
Stories about Rroma and Sinti Poor and Uneducated Gipsies
Stories about Rroma and Sinti Poor and Uneducated Gipsies
Stories about Rroma and Sinti Poor and Uneducated Gipsies
Gipsies-School and Rights
Rroma Community Issues Discrimination is not the solution! Involve us in your life and in your community!
Rroma Community Issues Discrimination is not the solution! Involve us in your life and in your community!
Rroma Community Issues Discrimination is not the solution! Involve us in your life and in your community!
Gipsies and their ‘jobs’ Great Musicians
Gipsies and their ‘jobs’ Great Dancers
Gypsies-Metal smith
Gipsies - Spoon Makers
Gipsy Women ‘Jobs’ Selling flowers
Gipsy Women ‘Jobs’ Reading in cards the future
Gipsies An unsolved issue of European Union
Gipsies myth and reality/ joy and troubles
Romanian Team from LTMV Caracal presents on SOS MovEUs European Comenius Partnership: Rroma Community Gipsy-Ethnic Minority In Our Area - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. - This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.