Data Management Planning Sarah Jones & Joy Davidson Digital Curation Centre
Funders require DMPs
They all ask for slightly different things…
…but there are common themes Description of data to be collected / created (i.e. content, type, format, volume...) Standards / methodologies for data collection & management Ethics and Intellectual Property (highlight any restrictions on data sharing e.g. embargoes, confidentiality) Plans for data sharing and access (i.e. how, when, to whom) Strategy for long-term preservation
Format of a DMP Essentially research funders ask for: A brief plan submitted in grant applications, and in the case of NERC, a more detailed plan once funded 1-2 sides of A4 as an attachment or a section in Je-S form Typically a prose statement covering suggested themes Researchers should outline their plans and justify their decisions, particularly any limitations or additional resources needed
Data management expectations Based on their research data policies, funders expect: timely release of data -once patents are filed or on (acceptance for) publication open data sharing -minimal or no restrictions if possible preservation of data -typically years if of long-term value See the RCUK Common Principles on data policy:
Leeds Research Data Survey 2012 Has a data management plan ever been completed for any of your research projects? Yes: 43.80% No: 56.20% “We have a Divisional policy on these things and they must also be stated in grant proposals and ethics submissions.” “NERC general requires data to be submitted to BADC” “It was fairly ropey” “This is completely unnecessary as a requirement.”
A useful framework to get researchers started Think about why the questions are being asked – why is it useful to consider that? Look at examples to help you understand what to write
Help from the DCC
What is DMP Online?...a web-based tool to help researchers write Data Management Plans according to different funder requirements We’re currently enhancing it with practical examples, boilerplate text and tailored support
How DMP Online works Create a plan based on relevant funder / institutional templates......and then answer the questions using the guidance provided
Tips for writing DMPs Encourage researchers to: Seek advice - consult and collaborate Consider good practice for their field Base plans on available skills & support Make sure implementation is feasible
Benefits of developing DMPs to comply with funder expectations to make informed decisions so people don’t have to figure out things as they go to anticipate and avoid problems e.g. data loss so the University knows what support is needed to make everyone’s lives easier!
Exercise: DMPs Briefly read through the sample DMP Choose a section or theme to discuss e.g. existing data, back-up, data sharing, IPR... In your groups discuss – how would you assist researchers to respond? What is your role? – Who would you refer researchers to? – What additional support and guidance would you need? – Are you already actively involved in data management?