Prepared by Dr. Haneen Nur Animal tissues Prepared by Dr. Haneen Nur
Types of animal tissues Epithelial tissue: protection Connective tissue: linkage & connection Nervous tissue: signal transduction Muscular tissue: contraction
A. Epithelial tissue
1. Epithelial tissue - Avascular - Basement membrane
Squamous epithelium (surface view)
Simple Squamous epithelium -Lining blood vessels (artery, vein, capillary) -It is called endothelium -Flattened cells with central oval nuclei -Allow exchange of gases and nutrients
1. Simple Squamous epithelium -Lining lung alveoli -Flattened cells with central oval nuclei -Allow Exchange of gases
2. Simple cuboidal epithelium -Lining kidney tubules and thyroid gland -Cube-shaped (square) cells with central round nuclei -Important for secretion and reabsorption
3. Simple columnar epithelium -Lining small intestine (e.g. duodenum), have villi and microvilli to increase the surface area/ volume -Columnar cells (rectangular) with basal oval nuclei -Important for absorption of nutrients -Contain goblet cells to secrete mucus for lubrication
4. Ciliated Pseudostratified columnar epithelium -Lining trachea -Cells with oval nuclei but at different levels -Contain goblet cells to secrete mucus for lubrication -Beating of cilia + mucus are important to remove foreign particles (food particles and dusts)
B. connective tissue
1. Loose connective tissue (role in allergy:secrete histamine) (melanin pigment) (Phagocytosis) (e.g. plasma cell: produce antibodies) Fibrocyte (fat storage) Define the different types of cells and fibers in this tissue
Loose C.T
2. Dense (fibrous) Connective tissue Amount of fibers is extensive Collagen fibers are parallel to each other Fibroblasts therefore are regularly arranged
Dense regular C.T
Specialized connective tissue
1. Adipose tissue Main function: fat storage
Adipose tissue
2. cartilage Main function: provide support and strength
Hyaline cartilage Location: movable joints (articular joint)
Elastic cartilage Location: external ear (auricle of ear)
Elastic cartilage
3. Bone tissue Main function: provide support and strength
Compact bones Compact bone: -Haversian system = osteon -osteocytes within lacunae -canaliculi -bone lamellae (concentric) -Haversian canal (central)
X.S of compact bone
4. Blood Erythrocyte: transport of nutrients and oxygen Monocyte: differentiate into macrophages, present antigen to immune cells Lymphocyte: production of antibodies Neutrophil: phagocytosis Basophil: secrete histamine – allergy reactions Macrophages: phagocytosis (in connective tissues), present antigen to immune cells Platelets: blood coagulation
c. muscle tissue
Muscles Main function: movement
Skeletal muscle
Skeletal Muscle
Smooth muscle
Cardiac muscle
Cardiac muscle
d. nervous tissue
Nervous tissue Two cell types: neurons (nerve cells) and glial cells (supporting cells)
Neurons Main function of neurons: signal integration and nerve impulse generation
Main functions of glial cells: support, protect, nourish, defend neurons