CHAPTER 30 – SECTION 2 Johnson’s Great Society
Johnson Takes Over 1948 Wins hard fought Senate race Texas Reelected in 1954 Senate Majority Leader Influence over legislation Caretaker Kennedy’s people and his policies Secured tax cut bill and civil rights legislation Cut federal budget by $100 billion “Roosevelt New Dealer” “Kennedy was to conservative for my taste” Appointed 27 women to upper-level govt. positions Mexican Americans to high positions
The War on Poverty Kennedy’s antipoverty initiative Learned of it 1 st day in office Advisors Implement slowly Few cities Johnson “Big and Bold and hit the nation with real impact” “Unconditional war on poverty in America” War on Poverty Creation of office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) Budget of $1 Billion Job Corps, Head Start, Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA)
Johnson’s Vision for America Major Goals Fulfilled in 8 months “Kennedy inspired…Johnson delivered.” Domestic Reform Program The Great Society “More concerned with the quality of their goals than the quality of their goods” 1964 Election Johnson – Humphrey – Landslide Victory 61% of pop vote, 486 Republicans – Barry Goldwater (Arizona) – William E. Miller “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no Vice!...Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!” Democrats response “In your heart you know he’s right” “In your gut you know he’s nuts”
Johnson and Congress Goals Civil Rights legislation, health care, education, urban renewal Congress = Democrat – dominated Programs Medicare National health insurance program people over 65 Medicaid Gov’t program that provides free health care to needy Signed bill in Missouri, 81 year old Harry Truman Elementary and Secondary Education Act 1.3 billion to aid schools in poor areas Department of Housing and Urban Development Robert C. Weaver – 1 st African American member of Presidential Cabinet
Quality of Life National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Corporation for Public Broadcasting Nonprofit organization Educational television programming Sesame Street Rachel Carson Marine Biologist Silent Spring (1962) Pesticides and wildlife Died in 1964 Johnson Water Quality Act of 1965 Air Quality Act of 1967 Water Pollution Act of 1968 New National parks