1 YORK UNIVERSITY Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Engineering Course outline Molecular Biology II SC/BIOL S2 2015
2 Welcome to Biol3130! SC/BIOL Objectives: A continuation of your molecular biology knowledge, focusing on more advanced topics and experimentation. Topics include: Molecular Biology Protocols RNA polymerase and promoter function RNA processing (eg, Splicing, Capping, poly A) Translation (if we have time)
3 Instructor: Dr. Michael Scheid Rm. 236 Farqharson Building Course timetable: Monday 11:30 am – 2:30 pm CLH D Wednesday 11:30 am – 2:30 pm CLH D Office hours: Monday 10:30 am – 11:15 am Wednesday 10:30 am – 11:15 am
4 STUDENT EVALUATION: There will be two Midterm exams, worth 50% of your grade: Midterm 1 – July 20 Midterm 2 – Aug 10 Final Exam : 50% [Date to be announced by registrar. Cumulative] [If an evaluation is not completed, a “0%” grade will be earned for that evaluation]
5 Please note : there will be NO MAKE-UP of the midterm exams. For medical issues please have your physician fill out the Attending Physician Statement. This form is available from the Registrars website.
6 Academic Integrity: Senate Policy on Academic Dishonesty Students are expected to be familiar with and follow York University’s Policies regarding academic integrity. Please consult the website below for more details: