The ordinances of the Church (1) ECCLESIOLOGY
Definitions Sacrament: to make sacred, to dedicate to a god or to sacred use Latin word, used to translate Greek word ‘mystery’ – gives the idea that there is something hidden or mystical about these practices Those who use the term usually believe that the rite is somehow connected with conveying grace to the practitioner The Council of Trent defined a sacrament as “something presented to the sense, which has the power, by divine institution, not only of signifying, but also of efficiently conveying grace.” (Ryrie, 487) Ordinance: an authoritative rule or law; a decree or command; something ordered Only symbolic, does not convey grace No inherent power to change the person observing it
Number All agree on two Baptism Lord’s supper Some add one or more (Ryrie seems open) Foot washing Marriage (instituted by God) Praying for the sick Key ideas For the Christian church, the practice must be ordered by Christ Their practice especially identifies the believer with Christ, marks off from the world
Baptism: Importance Jesus was baptized (Mt 3.16) Our baptism is part of our imitation of Christ (1 Pt 2.21) Jesus approved of his disciples baptizing (Jn 4.1-2) Christ commanded baptism in this age (Mt 28.19) The early church practiced it faithfully (Acts 2:38, 41; 8:12–13, 36, 38; 9:18; 10:47–48; 16:15, 33; 18:8; 19:5) The apostles taught that the ordinance symbolized important theological truths Identification and union with Christ in his death (Rm ) Clothing one’s self with Christ (Gal 3.27) Symbolizes salvation (1 Pt 3.21) The author of Hebrews calls baptism a foundational truth (Heb 6.1-2)