Chelsea System Basics
Section 1: Timeline and Terminology 1. Day of Play (Day Zero) Reviewable tee sheet. Reviewable tee sheet. Phone-in only, to book. Phone-in only, to book. 2. Day 1 to 14 (Booking) Reviewable tee sheet. Reviewable tee sheet. Online booking Online booking Via phone (Pro Shop) Via phone (Pro Shop) 3. Day 16 to 30 (Request) Online only. Online only. 4. Beyond 30 Days (Recurring Request) Online only. Online only.
Section 2: Profile Profile My ProfileBuddy List
Section 3: Tabs Home Page RequestReviewBookingProfile
Request Add a Request Edit a Request Delete a Request Add Recurring Request
Review My Information My Schedule My Request My Friends Schedule A Tee Sheet
Booking Add a Booking Add, Edit, or Delete Players Change Time or Course Delete a Booking