Bristol University Q Step Centre A cross-disciplinary initiative May 19,
Enhancing not replacing We really do not want students to lose their core disciplinary learning 4
Year 1 (‘the get them interested year’) Convincing Stories? Numbers as evidence in the social sciences Segregation and inequality in the UK (measurement and debate) 5
Year 2 (‘the theory and practice year’) Principles of Quantitative Social Science (Spatial Modelling 2 for geography students) Conducting a Research Project using secondary data 6
Year 3 (‘the show us you can do it year’) Dissertation (with Quantitative Research Methods) 7
Year 4 (‘the taking it further year’) Advanced Quantitative Methods for Social and Policy Research Links to our doctoral training centre courses Many of these units are both integrated and standalone 8
QAA statement for geography It is important to emphasise numeracy and numeric skills. Geographers require skills in the presentation, interpretation, analysis and communication of quantitative data. They are familiar with a range of statistical techniques including simple descriptive statistics, inferential tests and relational statistics such as correlation and regression; principles of research design and ways to collect data; the retrieval and manipulation of secondary datasets; and geospatial technologies such as digital cartography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing. Attention is given to spatial statistics, to issues of spatial dependency, to spatial difference and to the effects of scale (paragraph 3.13). 9
QUANTITATIVE GEOGRAPHY Maths & Numeracy Statistics & statistical modelling Visualization and data presentation Thinking geographically, looking at spatial variation Data handling & (geo)computation Geographical information science Social and scientific knowledge 10
Why? In part, it’s about employability… 11
Advanced maths/stats essential/v. important Advanced maths/stats fairly important Arithmetic-2 essential/v. important Arithmetic-2 fairly important10 Arithmetic-1 essential/v. important8876 Arithmetic-1 fairly important4223 Arithmetic not very important Arithmetic not at all important Source: supply-and-demand-quantitative-skills#.VzxjFpMrJYghttp:// supply-and-demand-quantitative-skills#.VzxjFpMrJYg
Why? In part, it’s about employability… But not just about employability... 13
Geography Numeracy Critical thinking SkillsLearning 14
Some reports and resources Quantitative Methods in Geography Making the Connections between Schools, Universities and Employers _Methods_in_Geography_Making_the_Connections_between_Scho ols_Universities_and_Employers Geographers Count: A Report on Quantitative Methods in Geography 15
Some reports and resources Skills in Mathematics and Statistics in Geography and tackling transition Maths_Stats_OR/Skills-in-Mathematics-and-Statistics-in-geography Videos and case studies of quantitative geography skills used in the workplace 16
Some reports and resources Data skills in geography ta+skills+in+geography.htm Introducing Quantitative Geography (chapter from Quantitative Geography: the basics) 2.pdf?dl=0 17