By: Josue Hernandez
How did the Comanches get their food? They moved from an environment of mountain valleys with limited food resources and harsh winters out onto the great plains. On the plains they hunted buffalo and elk and learned to live like other plains Indians.
What did the Comanches eat? The plains gave them more food, but they had to compete with the other Indian tribes who already lived on the plains. They always hunted buffalo and elk because it was their favorite.
Homes They lived in teepees because the y were nomads. Each band would move around from place to place to hunt and trade. Often they would cover hundreds of miles in one year. They made and used baskets and leather to make containers. They also used animal skins and woven grass mats on the floors of their teepees.
Clothing The Comanche leaders often wore fine European clothes, with many silver Conchos and fine leather boots.
Interesting facts The interesting fact I saw was that the most famous band was the Penatekas. Penatekas means honey eater in Comanche. Some other band names were; The Quahadies, Quahadie means antelope, the Buffalo - eaters, and the Yap-eaters, yap is the name of a plant root.
Facts from My teepee is