3D shape statements- PowerPoint months This powerpoint can be used to support the teaching of ‘Shape, space and measure’ targeted towards the month age band.
Teaching tips: This can be used to help recognise properties of 3D shapes. Read the descriptions out loud, can the children identify which statement is true? Encourage them to explain their answer and thinking. Remember, whilst reading out the descriptions it may help to refer to real 3D shapes. This will help all learners and prompt them identify which statement is true or false.
I have 1 curved face. I have 2 edges. I have 2 faces. I 4 vertices. Cone
I have 2 faces. I have 1 circular edge. I have 2 vertices. I have 1 curved face. Sphere
I have 8 faces. I have 12 vertices. I have 12 edges. I have no vertices. Cube
I have 6 vertices. I have 3 faces. I have 6 edges. I have 5 faces, one of them is square. Square-based pyramid
I have 4 faces, two of them are long. I have 8 edges. I have 6 faces, four of them are long. I have 12 vertices. Cuboid
I have 1 circular face. I have 2 vertices. I have 4 faces. I have 0 vertices. Cylinder