Update March 2016
2 year olds in early education year olds are currently attending early years provision = 70%. This is up from 53% 21 2 year olds split their hours between 2 providers 5 % 2 year olds take their funded hours with a childminder 52 % take their funded hours at a preschool 36 % at a day nursery 7 % at a maintained nursery
30 hour offer for 3 and 4 year olds with parents in paid employment 8 Local Authorities are part of pilot: Wigan, Staffordshire, Swindon, Portsmouth, Northumberland, York, Newham and Hertfordshire. 25 ‘Early Innovator’ areas include Hampshire, West Sussex, East Sussex- specific issues, eg how to make it easier for providers to offer places for children with disabilities and special educational needs, flexibility, availability of places, and supporting parents to work. Consultation later in year re flexibility and ‘grace period’ To be eligible: parents in the household must be working more than 16 hours a week at the national minimum wage rate, up to a maximum salary of £100,000 a year per parent.
National Living Wage National Living Wage (NLW) for workers aged over 25 to be introduced from April 1 st Current national minimum wage (NMW) is £6.70 per hour NLW is a 50p increase, £7.20 an hour. for more information The current minimum wage for an apprentice is £3.30 per hour. The £3.30 rate applies to apprentices aged 16 to 18 and those aged 19 or over who are in their first year (other apprentices must be paid NMW)
Pensions Employers will have to provide a workplace pension for eligible staff by This is called ‘automatic enrolment’ ‘Staging date’ is when each business has to provide the pension Employers must enrol and make an employer’s contribution for all staff who: are aged between 22 and the State Pension age earn at least £10,000 a year work in the UK For more information visit
Whistle blowing- NSPCC New whistleblowing advice line Free advice and support to professionals wanting to raise concerns about how child protection issues are being handled in their own or other organisations The advice line isn't intended to replace any current practices or responsibilities of organisations working with children.
Southampton Information Directory SID-Families- More- Working with Families Vacancies: add your own staffing and volunteer vacancies for free Updates for the workforce Support from the Early years and childcare team ECaT Safeguarding Running your business Training
2 year old integrated assessments ‘Now I Am 2’ forms are being completed by Health visiting teams when they carry out 2 year old assessments. Information is taken from Ages and Stages Questionnaire Still not universal coverage but getting there Ask parents for their copy (they have signed to give permission to share information) How many people have seen one or more?
National funding formula Consultation on a national funding formula for schools ‘consistent national formula’ The government will phase the changes in over time The national funding formula will begin in 2017 to 2018 Consultation closes 17 th April 2016 Consultation on a national funding formula for early years’ funding later this year and a consultation on SEND funding