FTP Is a popular File Sharing Protocol. Widely popular on All Operating Systems FTP Service is the basic need for everyone who wants to share their Files over internet. Using FTP, Users can Download Upload their files to the server and thus File Sharing becomes very easy. FTP
FTP SERVER is used to transfer files between server and clients. All major operating system supports ftp. FTP is the most used protocol over internet to transfer files. Like most Internet operations, FTP works on a client/ server model. FTP client programs can enable users to transfer files to and from a remote system running an FTP server program. FTP SERVER
Setting up the FTP server is done via a number of configuration files In addition to configuration files, there is the anonymous user home directory: Anonymous users do not see the entire file system and are limited to a working area FTP SERVER CONFIGURATION
1. Install the ftp and vsftpd rpm Packages using Yum command like below. #yum install ftp vsftpd The above command will install the packages vsftpd el6_4.1.x86_64.rpm and ftp el6.x86_64. This completes the Installation of packages required to setup your FTP Server.
2. Start the FTP Server. Start your vsftpd service using following command #service vsftpd start Enable Boot time Startup using chkconfig command as below #chkconfig vsftpd on
3.Now let's configure your FTP Server now. The installation process will generate the following files under /etc/vsftpd/ user_list ftpusers vsftpd.conf
What is the Purpose of user_list file ? If you have defined "userlist_deny=NO" inside vsftpd.conf, only usernames specified in this file will be allowed to login to your FTP Server. If you have defined "userlist_deny=YES" inside vsftpd.conf, Usernames specified in this file will NEVER be allowed to login to your FTP Server. What is the Purpose of ftpusers file? Usernames specified in this file will NEVER be allowed to login to your FTP Server. Note that by Default "root" user will be specified in this file. If you want to allow FTP login for root user you have to remove "root" username from these two files i.e. /etc/vsftpd/ftpusers and /etc/vsftpd/user_list
4. Edit the main configuration file vsftpd.conf using Text editor to configure FTP server Users. You need to uncomment this property to Allow FTP users to login. chroot_list_enable=YES Now save this file & exit
5. Add user "kashif" under chroot FTP User list Create your First FTP User using below command. # useradd -s /sbin/nologin -c 'FTP User' -d /var/ftp/pub/kashif kashif Assign a Password to this User using passwd command #passwd kashif In the above command I have created a user with name "kashif" and made this home directory as /var/ftp/pub/kashif/ and restricted his account only for FTP login by providing this option -> -s /sbin/nologin Now add username "kashif" to /etc/vsftpd/chroot_list #vi /etc/vsftpd/chroot_list and add "kashif" to it. This will make sure that user "kashif" will be restricted to his home directory only.
6. Restart vsftpd Service to Get your FTP Server working. #service vsftpd restart Now try to Login to your FTP Server as i have done below. Now You've Successfully Installed and Configured your FTP Server
A Network File System (NFS) allows remote hosts to mount file systems over a network and access those file systems as they are mounted locally. NFS operates over TCP/IP network. NFS enables you to mount a file system on a remote computer. Directly access any of the files on that remote file system NFS – Network File System
A client contacts portmap to get port number of desired server program. RPC packets are addressed to the corresponding port Use the rpcinfo -p command to obtain details on services The NFS Protocol
Pre-requisists A Linux server with IP address and hostname Server A linux client with IP address and hostname Client1 Configure NFS Server
Pre-requisists Updated /etc/hosts file on both Linux system Running portmap and xinetd services Firewall should be off on server Configure NFS Server
Step – 1: Three rpm are required to configure nfs server. nfs, portmap, xinetd check them if not found then install. Configure NFS Server
Step – 2: Now restart xinetd and portmap service Configure NFS Server
Step – 3: To keep on these services after reboot on then via chkconfig command Configure NFS Server
Step – 4: After reboot verify their status. It must be in running condition. Configure NFS Server
Step-5 : now create a /data directory and grant full permission to it. Configure NFS Server
Step – 6: now open /etc/exports file Configure NFS Server
Step – 7: share data folder for the network of /24 with read and write access Configure NFS Server Step – 8: save file with :wq and exit
Step – 9: now restart the nfs service and also on it with chkconfig. Configure NFS Server