Agriculture and Nature Not all corrections marked ’accepted’ have actually been changed. Ensure scientific notation is correct Ensure all definitions are correct Many detailed corrections and omissions noted Valid for 4B, 4D and 4F
4B Name ’Animal husbandry and manure management’ PM emission –Create separate Tier 2 for PM –Include scaling by livestock units –Note if grazing is included or not
4D Rename ’Plant production and agricultural soils’ PM emissions are inconsistent and require revision
4G POPs?
Chapter 11 Clarification concerning Nature –What should be included from existing Guidebook? –Only two chapters translated so far (volcanoes & forest fires). – Update needed for final approval?
Nature SourcesPollutants Vegetation, esp. ForestsNMVOC Biomass burning and forest firesNO x, PM, CO, CO 2, CH 4, OC, EC, VOC NO from soilsNO PollenPM Wild animalsCH 4, NH 3 Anoxic soil processes (wetlands)CH 4 Natural seepage of gas storageCH 4, NMVOC Wind blown dust (incl. Saharan)PM VolcanoesSO x, NO x, PM, HF, HCl, HNO 3 LightningNO x Sea, Coastal zonesPM, DMS