PARK RANGER By Aaron Castro 3/12/14
CONTENTS What Park Rangers do while working in the parks/forests. How can you prepare for a career in the field. Know if there will be jobs for the future. Check in what universities or colleges you can attend to get your degree. The salary of your chosen career. Where can you get more information from Elite park rangers Where can you contact to get more information to achieve your dream job.
WHAT A PARK RANGER DOES. A park ranger spots forest fire and helps to keep save the animals and put it down. They transport injured animals to the wildlife clinics for treatment. They also enforce laws and parks regulations to keep the people save from dangerous creatures. Since some park rangers are nice and like children, they give tours around parts of the forests they know that dangerous animals aren’t in the way.
PREPARING YOURSELF FOR THE JOB To be a park ranger, first you must need to study biology, computer science, algebra 1 &2, geometry, and English. You must chose what type of ranger you want to be. Some have background in science, others in education, and some on the laws enforcements. You need to have honor to the natural world, be a confident leader, and at last to don’t miss seasonal work.
UNIVERSITIES TO ATTEND TO The University of Phoenix Sponsor Spark Stewards Programs is a good school to attend because you get to know about National Parks. Another good school is The East Tennessee State University where also you learn about basics stuff about being a park ranger. You don’t have to stay as a park ranger un the U.S, there are lots of other Universities you can attend anywhere you like, for example Australia, or Canada.
JOBS IN THE FUTURE? AND WHO TO CONTACT WITH. Will there be more jobs in the future? Yes, because lots of rangers get retire of age or because they get injure. You can go to parks and ask different park rangers what they did to get their job and to also help you become one like them. Also you can check online who has retire as a park ranger to go and visit them to talk about how was their job. Another reason for jobs is because rangers struggle a lot, and the more help they have, the easier the job is. Will there be more jobs in the future? Yes. Because lots of rangers get retire because of age or they get injure.
PARK RANGER SALARY Entry Summer park ranger : $18,687 Entry permanent full time park ranger : $20,908 Full time park ranger with degree and experience : $ 31,680
QUESTIONS! Name the three type of rangers you can become. What are the Universities you can attend to? What does a park ranger need to get an income of $31,680?
CONCLUSION? THE END? SUMMARY? So after all this, being a park ranger is not easy. Risking your life to serve others, you need to be brave. There are lost of wild animals out there. If you still have question you can look in or in www. Wiki how. Com. Visiting a park can help a lot so you have an idea what’s it like. Take notes also to use them while studying to become a park ranger. Stop waiting, sign in now! ( 18+)