AD ops. - NUMI July 7, 2006 Jim Hylen/FNAL Page 1 Had been having problem with water collecting in tank under horn 1, instead of coming back to surge tank, and had more than normal amount of water in system. On Friday, tried to drain some water out of the surge tank, hoping that would allow more water to come back from horn collection tank. Techs turned off the supply line to horn spray, letting ejector pump continue to take water out of horn collection tank. This also cut off pressure to the D.I bottle loop that cleans water, keeping resistivity high. Spray line draining to horn sucked water backwards through the D.I. Loop, pulling resin beads into the supply line to the horn. When horn supply line was turned back on, resin beads got into the horn supply line, and spray lines are now clogged. Check valve that should have prevented this was mounted upside down. Also, spring-loaded check valve would have made more sense. Horn 1 clogged up with D.I. Bottle Resin beads
AD ops. - NUMI July 7, 2006 Jim Hylen/FNAL Page 2 Water collection tank Water spray headers Water lines down through module Water suction line Illustration of (Horn 2) lifted out of chase
AD ops. - NUMI July 7, 2006 Jim Hylen/FNAL Page 3 Check valve That didn’t check
AD ops. - NUMI July 7, 2006 Jim Hylen/FNAL Page 4 Horn spray flowmeter with beads Resin beads are ~ 20 mils Horn nozzle for inner conductor is eliptical ~40 mils short direction (48 total) outer conductor nozzles round, 25 mils diameter (19 total) plus two side-spray nozzles
AD ops. - NUMI July 7, 2006 Jim Hylen/FNAL Page 5 Main filter has beads D.I. Bottle output filter is clean
AD ops. - NUMI July 7, 2006 Jim Hylen/FNAL Page 6 The gravity un-assisted check valve
AD ops. - NUMI July 7, 2006 Jim Hylen/FNAL Page 7 Modifications for Prevention of Re-occurence: Install different check valve Add filter, in case check valve fails (Add delta-pressure sensor across filters)
AD ops. - NUMI July 7, 2006 Jim Hylen/FNAL Page 8 Clean-up of RAW skid is fairly straight-forward. Horn is too radio-activated to manually clean or replace spray nozzles. Over weekend, tried test of pushing resin beads out of spare nozzles by back-pressure with water, with reasonable success. Monday/Tuesday, tried on test-bench vacuuming beads out with air pressure instead of water. Are starting with this method on horn. Wednesday, removed target pile shielding. Now doing vacuuming – have sucked some resin beads out and unclogged at least a few nozzles. If horn clean-up works smoothly, estimate ~ 2 weeks downtime. If horn clean-up fails, need to replace horn. A horn change-out takes ~ 1 week, but spare not ready for at least 8 weeks.
AD ops. - NUMI July 7, 2006 Jim Hylen/FNAL Page 9 Test setup of spray lines and 10-foot vertical header
AD ops. - NUMI July 7, 2006 Jim Hylen/FNAL Page 10 Fan push, water-in-barrel-filter, vacuum suck