Intellectual Marathon ( интеллектуалды марафон )
Intellectual Marathon The ABC game Proverbs and sayings Proverbs and sayings Parts and wholes Parts and wholes A magic 5 A tongue - twister A tongue - twister The right choice The right choice Inventions and discoveries Inventions and discoveries
A magic 5
Say or sing the English alphabet
Name 5 colours
Name 5 sorts of vegetables
Name 5 school subjects
You’re lucky! You won a prize!
Name 5 sorts of fruit
Name 5 sports
Name 5 professions
Name 5 things that people wear
Name 5 English names
Name 5 English - speaking countries
Name 5 wild animals
Who will be the first? You can get 1 point for each right answer. 1. Mickey a) Claus 2. Mary b) Duck 3. Robinson c) Pooh 4. Peter d) Mouse 5. Donald e) Poppins 6. Winny - the f) Crusoe 7. Santa g) Pan
You should read the tongue - twister as quickly as you can 3 times. 1. Put your head on your bed. 2. Run round the playground.
А) Paris В) London С) Moscow 1. The capital of England is
С) the Volga А) the Thames В) the Mississippi 2.London stands
А) a doffodil В) a tulip С) a red rose 3. The symbol of England is
А) blue and white 4 сұрақ. Қазақтан шыққан тұңғыш грек-рим (француз) күресінің шебері, әлем чемпионы В) red and green С) red and white 4.The English flag is
А) Russia С) Scotland 5 сұрақ. Қазақ елінің дарынды күйшісі, “Кісенашқан”, “Көбікшашқан”, “Кішкентай” күйлерінің авторы А) the USA 5.Golf comes from
А) a plane 6 сұрақ. “Мыңжылдық Адамы” атағы берілген ұлы қолбасшы, жиһангер, империя әміршісін атаңыздар В) a car С) a telephone 6. A. Bell invented
А) an artist В) an actor С) a composer 7. Ch. Chaplin was
А) Italy В) England С) France 8. Cricket comes from
А) Lewis Carroll В) Alan Milne С) Daniel Dafoe 9. “Robinson Crusoe” was written by
С) porridge А) fish and chips В) roast turkey 10. The traditional Christmas meal in England is
A. Bell 1. Who invented the telephone?
Тәуелсіз Қазақстан Ch. Columbus 2. Who discovered America?
Тәуелсіз Қазақстан H. Ford 3. Who invented the car?
Тәуелсіз Қазақстан 4. Қаламыздағы Өнер және әдебиет мұражайы кімнің атында? W. Disney 4. Who created Donald Duck?
J. Cook 5. Who discovered Australia?