Ski Trip 2014 Glebelands Ski Trip USA Welcome
Ski Trip 2014 To update you with the situation so far To collect important information from you To answer any questions you may have Glebelands Ski Trip USA This meeting is:
JAY PEAK VERMONT U.S.A. Glebelands Ski Trip USA The Resort
Ski Trip 2014 The party is now made up of: 10 GIRLS 9 BOYS 5 ADULTS Any changes from 1 st January will cost £100 - £200 on top of lost deposits. This is a cost set by the airline. These will be charged to party participants Glebelands Ski Trip USA The Group
Ski Trip 2014 Heathrow to Bostonwith Virgin Atlantic Sunday 13 April HeathrowDepart 0940 / 1710 BostonArrive 1222 / 1940 Saturday 19 April BostonDepart 1837 / 2140 Sunday 20 April HeathrowArrive 0625 / 0910 Glebelands Ski Trip USA Flight Details
Ski Trip 2014 Accommodation We will be given a rooming list to complete and return during January. Rooms will be 2’s, 3’s or 4’s. Please be thinking who you want to go with We will contact students a.s.a.p.
Ski Trip 2014 Everybody will have lessons No skiing / snowboarding outside of lessons Number of Instructors dependant on ski abilities. Plenty to cater for all needs Glebelands Ski Trip USA The SKIING
Ski Trip 2014 Glebelands Ski Trip USA
Ski Trip 2014 Extra costs: Pocket money Hire or purchase of ski clothing Excursions Dry slope lessons beforehand Glebelands Ski Trip USA
Ski Trip 2014 Extra costs: Pocket Money £80 to £100 Lunch $5 to $10 daily Shopping in Boston/Outlet Centre Hire or purchase of ski clothing Mountain Warehouse; TKMax; Blacks; Millets; Snow & Rock. Hire – Ski + Sport ( Dry slope lessons Alpine Snowsports Centre – Aldershot Christ’s College Ski Club - Guildford
Ski Trip 2014 Outer Layer Jacket Salopettes / Ski Pants Helmet Gloves Goggles / Sunglasses Glebelands Ski Trip USA Ski Clothing Inner Layer Thermals T-shirt Fleece Sweatshirt SOCKS
Glebelands Ski Trip USA Other Clothing T Shirts Sweatshirts Jeans Joggers Nightwear Underwear Swimwear Trainers Snow boots / walking shoes Ski Trip 2014 EXTRAS Toiletries Sun cream Lip salve Camera Medication Pens & pencils Towel - for waterpark 20kg - main luggage 10kg - hand luggage Student must carry
Ski Trip 2014 Moodle Information will be found on the Ski Trip page School Life – login as guest
Ski Trip 2014 “Groups must conduct themselves in a reasonable manner throughout the ski course and comply strictly with all the laws, customs and regulations including those enforced by hotels / apartments / airline / coach operators and Visions in Education…..” A copy of the “Code of Conduct” can be found on Moodle. Glebelands Ski Trip USA BEHAVIOUR
Ski Trip 2014 Smoking and Drinking Under no circumstances will students be allowed to smoke or have alcoholic drinks during the time we are away. It is illegal in the USA to smoke or drink if U21. Glebelands Ski Trip USA Mobile Phones The signal in Jay Peak is not very good and we also have strict emergency procedures. Taken entirely at your own risk. Laptops / Ipads These can be taken, again at your own risk; must be in hand luggage. Emergency procedures still apply.
Ski Trip 2014 All the guidelines and rules are for the safety of everyone in a different and potentially hazardous environment. REMEMBER THE INTENTION IS TO HAVE A FUN-FILLED, EXCITING, BUSY, ENJOYABLE AND SAFE WEEK Glebelands Ski Trip USA
Ski Trip 2014 Any further questions? Glebelands Ski Trip USA