WHAT IS A UCONN PAYMENT STORE? A new payment option for smaller departments to accept credit card payments online. It typically takes a week for your store to be developed and ready to take payments!
UC PAYMENT STORE Store request and set up can be completed in about a week. PCI compliance and SAQ process is centralized in the Bursar’s Office Bursar's office is responsible for settlement and submission of CCR’s in KFS (dept. is still responsible for reconciliation of KFS accounts to ensure proper receipt of funds) Bursar’s Office handles monthly invoice and charges department’s based on their individual payment volumes. Approximate fee is between 2- 4% of sale. DEPARTMENTAL MERCHANT ACCOUNT Lengthy justification and approval process. Department is responsible for PCI compliance including annual SAQ process, appropriate security controls and ensuring training of relevant staff Department is responsible for all administrative duties including settlement, reconciliation and submission of CCR’s in KFS. Department is responsible for reconciling monthly invoice and payment of bill.
COST Service charges are typically 2-4% of the transactions and vary based upon card type (Visa, MasterCard, Amex, etc.) Billed by Cash Operations to the department at the end of each month.
NOTIFICATION OF PAYMENT Cash Operations receives a report that shows all of the payments for the day. Cash Operations will then record the revenue in KFS- which eliminates the need for the department to submit an edoc. Any edoc with payments from the department’s store will be FYI’d to the main contact so they can review the attached report with payment details.
REQUEST A STORE Cash Operations will review the request and back as to whether or not your store request has been approved.
You will then work with our website developer to have your store developed. It typically takes a week for your store to be developed and ready to take payments!
TYPES OF PAYMENT STORES Specific amount for product/service store. Non-specific amount for product/service store.
SPECIFIC PRODUCT/SERVICE PAYMENT Specific amount for product/service. Examples: purchase a ticket, purchase a textbook, purchase a shipping fee. School of Fine Arts
“CUSTOMIZED” PAYMENT Non-specific amount for product/service. Examples: payment for rent, donation. Facilities Operations and Building Services