MONARCH PRIDE!! Madelyn Hughes Ms. Crawford CPU 7B 31 March 2014
Table of Contents: Elementary School Kindergarten 1 st Grade 1 st Grade 2 nd Grade 2 nd Grade 3 rd Grade 3 rd Grade 4 th Grade 4 th Grade 5 th Grade 5 th Grade Main Office
Kindergarten Mrs. Knapik K2 Mrs. Gawecki K1 The teachers teach the kids math, religion, writing, spelling, and reading. Mrs. Heath Parapro helps with all ages.
1 st Grade Ms. Smolinski 102 Mrs. Johnson 101
2 nd Grade Mrs. Palazzolo 202 Ms. Benso 201
3 rd Grade Mrs. Brennan 301 Mrs. Topy 302
4 th Grade Mrs. Lipka 401 Mrs. Whalen 402
5 th Grade Ms. Higgins 501 Mrs. Haftel 502
Main Office Mrs. Redwine Secretary Mrs. Pollick Principal
Table of Contents: Middle School 6 th Grade 6 th Grade 7 th Grade 7 th Grade 8 th Grade 8 th Grade Dean Honors Specials
6 th Grade Miss Roman MS8 6 th grade Homeroom and our language teacher for 6 th, 7 th, and 8 th grade! Mrs. Sieloff MS2 6 th grade homeroom and a math and religion teacher for 6 th grade and a math teacher for 8 th grade.
7 th Grade Ms. Frankovich MS7 7 th grade homeroom and reading for both 7 th and 8 th grade. Miss Winton-Smith MS6 homeroom for 7 th grade and English for 7 th and 6 th grade. Mr. Kerr LAB 7 th grade homeroom and science for 6 th, 7 th, and 8 th grade.
8 th Grade Ms. Crawford CPU homeroom for 8 th grade and computers for 4 th -8 th grade. Ms. Surma MS1 homeroom for 8 th grade geography teacher for 6 th - 7 th grade and U.S. History for 8 th Grade
Dean Harning Mr. Harning is the dean of students and disciplines the students when needed.
Honors Mr. Crupi Honors math for 6 th grade and 7 th grade also the math teacher for 7 th grade. Honors English for 7 th grade and math and honors math for 8 th grade. She switches days with Mrs. Turk also.
Specials Mr. Schinider Music/drama/choir Mrs. Ryan Living Scripture Mrs. Williams Library. Mrs. Ackley Art Mr. Bessette Gym