31 January 2013 Version 1.0 Explained
What is ADAC? ADAC stands for “Asset Design & As Constructed” It is a set of tools design to make the transfer of asset design and as constructed data easier between asset constructors and asset managers ADAC does this by providing: A comprehensive data specificationA comprehensive data specification An open standards (XML) data transfer mechanismAn open standards (XML) data transfer mechanism A choice of implementation optionsA choice of implementation options A range of third party software & support services (if required)A range of third party software & support services (if required)
Problems ADAC Solves 1.Multiple AM data standards / formats − Designs / as cons created in multiple formats − Difficult to exchange data between systems or organisations 2.Re-work caused by incomplete / inconsistent asset data capture − Not all data captured − Data collected in different formats − Spatial data & asset component data are not not consistent ADAC solves 2 major problems facing Asset Managers today: Result: a lack of confidence in your asset data that impacts your ability to do long-term asset, service & financial planning
What is ADAC? ADAC Benefits 1.It has the greatest coverage of asset classes & types 2.It has the greatest level of detail (both spatial & non-spatial) 3.It provides you with more choice: − Hi-tech, low-tech and “no tech” implementation options − Supported by a range of software products & support services 4.It has strong industry alignment: − Endorsed by IPWEA / Overseen by IPWEAQ − The supported direction of NAMS.AU for as con data 5.It is stable & based on a strong foundation: − It is supported of a consortium of members not an individual − Developed by asset management (AM) people for AM people ADAC is the smart choice for asset design & as con data:
ADAC Consortium A mix of small, medium & large Councils & utilitiesA mix of small, medium & large Councils & utilities Not profit motivatedNot profit motivated −Focused on advancing asset management practice Sharing with & learning from each otherSharing with & learning from each other Run under the auspices of IPWEAQRun under the auspices of IPWEAQ ADAC is controlled by a consortium of member organisations…
Implementing ADAC Scope & extentScope & extent −How far (and how fast) do I go? (see next slide) −Staged approach or “big bang?” Implementation optionsImplementation options −Low tech / no tech options −Higher tech options “Build your own” using common applications (e.g. MS Excel)“Build your own” using common applications (e.g. MS Excel) Packaged software*Packaged software* Implementation support optionsImplementation support options −DIY −Peer support (consortium members) −Use of 3 rd party implementation partners* Tailor ADAC implementation to suit your organisation… * ADAC Membership does not include costs of software or third party implementation support providers
Collaborate AutomateImplement Implementation Complexity Time Business Benefits Integrate Marked-up Paper ‘Red pen’ As Con “Minimum Data Set” AM Information Architecture Consistent Organisational Policy Clear roles & responsibilities Consistent internal processes Fit-for-purpose tools (e.g. CAD templates) Electronic data collection Systems integration E-As Con Automatic loading & checking Integration with business partners Bureau Services Web portals ADAC Benefits Curve
ADAC at a Glance ADAC as at 31 December 2012
ADAC Membership Options * ADAC Membership does not include costs of software or third party implementation support providers
More Information Want to know more? Want to know more? ADAC websiteADAC website General EnquiriesGeneral Enquiries Adam Hain (IPWEA) Phone: (07) Supported by