Technology in the Middle School Mathematics Class Chapter 6
7/10/2016copyright Calculators They are to assist not to replace knowledge. Tool for helping students solve problems. Eliminates tedious computations that may discourage students. Research shows that they enhance student learning when used appropriately. Should not replace all algorithms and all pencil-and-paper calculations.
7/10/2016copyright Picking the Right Calculator Middle school calculator should have these minimum requirements: –Algebraic logic (follows PEMDAS) –Exponent key (to do powers and square roots) –At least one memory –Straightforward way to clear all memory and programs –Fraction and decimal capabilities
7/10/2016copyright Teaching and Calculators One of your functions as a MS teacher is to help students learn when it is appropriate to use calculators, mental math, or paper-and-pencil algorithms. Sometimes a calculator is essential. Students need to be taught what their calculators are capable of doing and how individual keys work
7/10/2016copyright Do These 1.10 – 4 x 2 = ∙ 2 3 = – 4 = ∙ ∙ 4 2 – 16 = 6.17 – ∙ 4 ÷ 16 =
7/10/2016copyright Correct These 12 – 8 ∙ = 32 8 – ÷ 3 = = ÷ 7 – ∙ 3 = ÷ 8 – 4 = 1
7/10/2016copyright Compute: Some people use the calculator and some use pencil-and-paper – listen to directions! = 2.40 x 6 = – 1 = 4.20 ÷ 5 = 5.54 x 10 = x 54 = x 10 = 8.7,854 x 10 = 9.7,854 x 100 = 10.7,854 x 1,000 = 11.9 x 9 = 12.7,568,234 x 0 = ÷ 1 = = ÷ 86 =
7/10/2016copyright But, sometimes calculators are handy :o) 1.56, = – 435 = 3.2,467 x 16 = 4.8,642 ÷ 42 = x 16.5 = Now let’s do “calculator activities” in the book (p ).
7/10/2016copyright Internet Resources The Math Forum – nice site but most things costhttp:// Cool Math – –looks pretty good Math in Daily Life – –looks good Math Forum Middle School Teachers’ Place – lesson plans – –Good
Math Central – –looks good Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles - this one looks great Math Archives Teaching Materials –looks good 7/10/2016copyright
7/10/2016copyright Computers Look at the software listed on page Tool for evaluating software on pages 82-83