Version 1.0, May 2015 BASIC PROFESSIONAL TRAINING COURSE Module XIII Maintenance programme Case Studies This material was prepared by the IAEA and co-funded by the European Union.
Basic Professional Training Course; Module XIII Maintenance programme Introduction Students should be divided into groups by countries which they represent – presuming it is an international course. If it is a national course, students should be divided into groups. If possible, regulators, operators and representatives from the industry should be in mixed groups to make the maximize exchange of information between them. Also it is a learning opportunity for them to have a different perspectives. All the groups will participate in addressing all the topics and prepare a short presentation for the plenary session. 2
Basic Professional Training Course; Module XIII Maintenance programme Example − lack of preventive maintenance Licensee Event Report − LER (Limerick Generating Station, Unit 1), Reactor Scram Due To Invalid Actuation Of Main Generator Lockout Relay. The event was caused by concurrent positive and neutral grounds and a corroded disconnect position switch that caused a false actuation of the main generator output breaker position monitoring circuit. A root cause of the event was lack of preventive maintenance on the disconnect position switch contact. Corrective Action Completed: The main generator output disconnect preventive maintenance activities have been revised to include an inspection of disconnect position switches. 3
Basic Professional Training Course; Module XIII Maintenance programme Preventive maintenance − discussion On previous example discuss importance of preventive maintenance to safety. 4
Basic Professional Training Course; Module XIII Maintenance programme Tools for predictive maintenance - condition monitoring technologies Discuss for which equipment next monitoring technologies can be used to determine the operating condition and what problems can identify. − Vibration analysis, − Shock pulse method, − Oil analysis, − Wear debris analysis and ferrography, − Acoustic leakage monitoring, − Thermography, − Computer modelling for Erosion/Corrosion analysis, − Visual inspection and plant performance monitoring. 5
Basic Professional Training Course; Module XIII Maintenance programme Maintenance equipment Discuss when next equipment is considered. 6 Lead shieldingRadiation protective clothing
Basic Professional Training Course; Module XIII Maintenance programme Mock−up training Discuss when mock-up facility is considered. 7
Basic Professional Training Course; Module XIII Maintenance programme Procedures and work instructions What do procedures and detailed work instructions include? For help examples are enclosed! 8
Basic Professional Training Course; Module XIII Maintenance programme Work control How performance of a maintenance task should be controlled? For help example is enclosed! 9
Basic Professional Training Course; Module XIII Maintenance programme Examples of suspect and counterfeit items and the lessons learned Stainless steel bolts were hand-stamped to indicate they met a different standard. Lessons learned: The method of identifying bolts allowed for raised or depressed head markings which would enable someone to add stamping after production. Reliance on head stamping to identify bolts could lead to potential problems without manufacturer certification. 10 No manufacturer identification “KS” (Kosaka Kogyo) insignia identified Grade 5 Bolts
Basic Professional Training Course; Module XIII Maintenance programme Examples of suspect and counterfeit items and the lessons learned − cont. Electric circuit breakers continue to be widely counterfeited and misrepresented as new. Lessons learned: Refurbished moulded-case circuit breakers should not be accepted without the original manufacturers or qualified suppliers’ certification. 11 Amp rating written on the handle in white paint (post 1999) Molded, black amp rating (post 1999) GenuineCounterfeit
Basic Professional Training Course; Module XIII Maintenance programme CFSI – discussion Discuss importance of preventing CFSI from entering the facility, and to identify and dispose CFSI that already exist in the facility. Discuss how training to identify, prevent and eliminate the introduction of CFSI into the facility is organized. 12
Basic Professional Training Course; Module XIII Maintenance programme Case studies evaluation Each group should present their findings in a final plenary that can last 1 – 2 hours depending on the time available – discussion in the plenary by all participants. Lecturer should make comments and suggestions to each working group presentation. 13 The views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.