Evidence of Effectiveness Who it “effects”? SPED Students 504 Students ELL Students RTI Students ALL Students Teachers Special Program Facilitators Test Coordinators Administrators SAISD Testing Department
Who it “effects”? 0 SPED Students Students 0 ELL Students 0 RTI Students 0 ALL Students 0 Teachers 0 Special Program Facilitators 0 Test Coordinators 0 Administrators
Who says we need Evidence of Effectiveness and Why? The Texas Education Agency (2014 Calendar year): Critical Information about Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Taking STAAR, STAAR Spanish, STAAR L, STAAR Modified, and TELPAS telpas/
2 nd Paragraph 0 In order to make accommodation decisions for students, educators should have knowledge of the TEKS and how a student performs in relation to them. Educators should also collect and analyze data pertaining to the use and effectiveness of accommodations (e.g., assignment/test scores with and without the accommodation, observational reports) so that informed educational decisions can be made for each student. By analyzing data, an educator can determine if the accommodation becomes inappropriate or unnecessary over time due to the student’s age or changing needs. Likewise, data can confirm for the educator that the student still struggles in certain areas and should continue to use the accommodation.
4 th Paragraph 2. The accommodation has proven to be effective in meeting the student’s specific needs, as evidenced by student scores or teacher observations with and without accommodation use. This means that it is acceptable and appropriate to occasionally withhold an accommodation in order to confirm or deny its effectiveness.
Documentation 0 The district has developed (vetted by teachers, administrators, the San Antonio Alliance, and district staff) an Excel roster to be accomplished 4 weeks prior to testing. This roster will be used to meet the documentation and verification requirement of the TEA “evidence of effectiveness” for accommodations on state assessments. 0 Signing the roster is similar to signing the test administrator’s oath.
Evidence of Effectiveness Roster
Process 0 CTC will build roster 4 weeks prior to each assessment window 0 CTC will conference with student’s teachers 0 Teachers will circle (yes or no), sign, and date that they have evidence of effectiveness for each student’s accommodation(s) assigned for state assessments 0 If a teacher circles “no” campus can re-address accommodation’s effectiveness prior to E11 date 0 If no evidence exists for an accommodation’s effectiveness, the committee involved will amend the student’s IEP/IAP to remove the accommodation for that assessment
For more information contact: 0 SAISD Testing Department at