JHPIEGO- Male Circumcision Scale Up April-June 2011 Iringa, Njombe Makete and Ludewa JHPIEGO- Male Circumcision Scale Up April-June 2011 Iringa, Njombe Makete and Ludewa Presented by: Michael D Machaku Date: 25/7/2011 USAID- Dar es salaam
Review and Achievements this Quarter MC Done 48 HRS 7DaysAEHIV tested HIV + Referral to CTC Routine Campaign Total Overall MC done to (June ) 30,221 Sites Total MC Sites 10 ( static) 7( outreach) Training Providers trained 37 TOT 4 Sites Total MC Sites 10 ( static) 7( outreach) Training Providers trained 37 TOT 4 Challenges Shortage of Supplies and equipments ( Lidocaine 2%, HIV Reagents
NEXT QUARTER PLANS MC Scale up in Iringa, Njombe, Makete and Ludewa Conduct Outreach to the most Hard to reach areas in Makete and Ludewa Conduct seasonal Campaign Conduct MC training to both Providers/TOT and Counselors in new sites Conduct studies – SYMMACS, Penile measurement etc.
MC Partners Iringa Regional, Municipal and District Authorities AMREF – Counseling – inlet source FBOs – Tosamaganga Mission NGOs – Tumaini University- Counseling – Inlet source Private- Lugoda Tea estate. Community members