History of Psychology
Caveman times ► 1 st to deal with “oddities” ► Trepanning – the opening of the skull to let out evil spirits Did it work?
Ancient Greece ► Socrates – Know thyself Introspection – asking yourself questions; looking within for the answers ► The Gods must be punishing me ► Hippocrates – 4 humors Sanguine – blood – warm and cheerful Choleric - yellow bile (quick tempered) Phlegmatic – phlegm – cool disposition Melancholic – black bile - thoughtful
Middle Ages The Devil Made Me Do it
….Middle Ages ► Started to become scientific Float Test John Locke – knowledge is not born, but learned from experience.
Structuralism ► William Wundt – discovering the basic element of the conscious experience. Objective sensations – sight and taste Subjective sensations – emotional responses and mental images Used introspection as well.
Functionalism ► William James ► How mental processes help adapt to their environment ► 1 st textbook – Principles of Psychology
Gestalt Perception is more than the sum of it’s parts.
Imagine you are a rat…
Behaviorism ► John Watson What does a rat think? Don’t know, don’t care. ► Scientific study of observable behavior. ► BF Skinner - reinforcement J.B. Watson wipes smile off little Albert’s face
Psychodynamic ► Sigmund Freud Europe 1920’s All about consciousness Things in your childhood will effect you later in life Iceberg Theory of the Mind Biggest American theory for most of the 20 th Century Century
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Current Perspectives ► Psychoanalytic ► Behavioral ► Humanistic ► Cognitive ► Biological ► Sociocultural