Thesis #4 Analyze how Renaissance art was a reflection of the new humanistic learning of the period. Middle Ages to Renaissance Individualism –all actions are determined by the individual, not of society as a whole. Humanism –emphasizes reason, scientific inquiry, and human fulfillment in the natural world and often rejects the importance of belief in God Secularism –matters of civil policy should be conducted without the introduction of a religious element
What are the characteristics of Humanistic Thought? Emphasis on classics (Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome) –Not paganism though! Individualism & Secularism All subjects have value, not just religion Emphasize public service Emphasize urban life Ideal man Education (liberal arts: music, poetry, literature)
1.Un-Christian Philosophy –Stressed humankind –Fought for individualism 2.Christian Philosophy –Opposed pagan teachings of Aristotle 3.Scholarship –Promote civic responsibility and political liberty All subjects have value –Studia humanitatis
Father of Humanism –Classical and Christian values –Secular Work… –Letters to Ancient Rome (Cicero, Vergil, etc.) –Fictional dialogues –Love sonnets
Student of Petrarch Decameron –Fiction: 100 tales told during the plague Sexual expose Economic misconduct Sympathetic look at human behavior Encyclopedia of mythology
Most Famous Work: Divine Comedy –Vision of the Christian Afterlife (3 parts) Inferno Purgatory Paradise
Adam & Eve: Paradise 7 Terraces of Purgatory Sinners being led to circle of hell
Definition: humanist leadership of the political and cultural life –Education should promote… Individual virtue Public service Best Example Florence Problem: some humanists became elitists
Thesis #4 Analyze how Renaissance art was a reflection of the new humanistic learning of the period.