Create a Quiz call it Moodle and give it a summary paragraph
Scroll down to Overall Feedback and put it a grade boundary of 100%. Break down your grades as per number of questions. Save and return to course.
Click on Quiz Hyperlink ‘Moodle’ and start to build the questions. Click on ‘create new question’ and choose a type.
Depending on type – type the question and alternative answers (if using). Assign the 100% grade against the correct answer.
You can also use True and False questions that do not have grades allocated.
Repeat Create new question for every question and then select the box and ‘add to quiz’
You can still edit the question here using the ‘hand and pen’ symbol and change the order of questions
You can then preview the quiz and complete it to make sure the marking scheme is working.
Just be careful with questions and answers as you may need the exact wording to make it correct. Play around with types of questions to get it right.