Padre Nuestro En el nombre del padre, el hijo, y el Espíritu Santo, Amen. Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo. Santificado sea tu nombre. Venga tu reino. Hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día. Perdona nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden. No nos dejes caer en tentación y líbranos del mal. Amen.
SPANISH SEMESTER EXAM FORMAT: There will NOT be a speaking test. Scantron format for the written test – This does NOT mean that the test will be “easy”. You must know your vocabulary & grammar concepts to be able to choose the correct answer(s)!
Repaso: Ch. 1 Grammar Articles – definite and indefinite. Rules for determining the number (Singular/Plural) & gender of nouns. Subject Pronouns (see “Doe a deer” song lyrics) The verb “Ser” (present tense) – conjugations and uses. (Jason Mraz “Ser song”)
THE SUBJECT PRONOUNS SONG (to the tune of “Doe a Deer…”) Yo means I And tú means you Él and ella, he and she Usted means you more formally Nosotros and nosotras both mean we Ellos and ellas both mean they Ustedes is y’all the southern way And, that’s all the pronouns I can say So let’s start again at yo...yo...yo...yo * DON’T FORGET THAT 2 OF THEM REQUIRE ACCENT MARKS!!!
Repaso: Ch. 2 Grammar Conjugating –AR verbs (present tense) (See “I’m bringing conjugations back” video) The verb “GUSTAR” – conjugations and uses (See Taylor Swift “Gustar” video) Forming questions in Spanish – what are the 4 ways? (See “The Interrogatives Jingle Bells song” for question words & TB pg ) The verb “ESTAR” (present tense) - conjugations and uses. (See “Mexican Hat dance” song lyrics)
THE INTERROGATIVES SONG (to the tune of “Jingle Bells”) ¿Por qué?... Why ¿Cuándo?... When ¿Qué?... What ¿Dónde?... Where ¿Cuánto?... How much ¿Cómo?... How ¿Quién? Means who is there...
Repaso: Ch. 3 Grammar Adjectives: descriptive, possessive, & adjectives of nationality [See TB pg , & 93] Conjugating –ER/-IR verbs in the present tense (See “Conjugations Style” song: also includes –AR verbs) The verb TENER (present tense) – conjugations and uses with tener expressions [See TB pg. 101] The verb VENIR (present tense) –conjugations and uses
Repaso: Ch. 4 Grammar The verb “IR” (present tense) – meaning, conjugations, & uses in context. (See the “IR song” video) Stem-changing “boot verbs” (e:i, e:ie, o:ue, u:ue) (See “these boots were made for changing” video) “Go verbs” that have irregular yo forms in the present tense (See “Crank dat go verb” video) The verbs “Ver” and “Oír” – meanings and conjugations [See TB pg. 137]
Repaso: Ch. 5 Grammar Using the verb ESTAR to form the present progressive tense (the “-ing” in Cling) Using the verb ESTAR with adjectives to describe conditions & emotions (The C in “Cling”) (See chart on TB pg. 164) SER versus ESTAR – how do you use them in context? What are your 2 acronyms? Direct object pronouns – what are they and what do they replace? See Video Tutorial:
What about stem-changing “boot” verbs in the present progressive tense? Verbs like Empezar (e:ie) and Volver (o:ue) that are “boot” verbs in the present tense DO NOT stem-change in the present progressive tense! The only stem-changing verbs in the present progressive tense are the “-IR” boot verbs that we have in the present tense! BUT, the stem-change in the present progressive tense can only be 1:1! Examples: Dormir (o:ue) = durmiendo Preferir (e:ie) = prefiriendo Conseguir (e:i) = consiguiendo
Let’s look at the verb Dormir in both tenses! Present tense: Present Progressive Tense: Dormir (o:ue) Step 1: Think! Is it an “-IR” boot verb in the present tense? (If no, then it is NOT a boot verb in the present progressive tense!) Step 2: If yes, remember that the stem-change can only be 1:1 in the present progressive tense! Dormir (o:ue) Duermo Duermes Duerme Dormimos Duermen Estoy durmiendo Estás durmiendo Está durmiendo Estamos durmiendo Están durmiendo
Let’s look at the verb Empezar in both tenses! Present tense: Present Progressive Tense: Empezar (e:ie) Step 1: Think! Is it an “-IR” boot verb in the present tense? (If no, then it is NOT a boot verb in the present progressive tense!) Empiezo Empiezas Empieza Empezamos Empiezan Estoy empezando Estás empezando Está empezando Estamos empezando Están empezando
Repaso: Ch. 6 Vocabulary Clothing / Accessories vocab. Colors vocabulary words Review “The colors song” Adjectives vocab. (cheap/expensive, etc.) Also, don’t forget to review your Bell Ringer Verbs from August until now! Watch the “Agree It” video
Repaso: Ch. 6 Grammar Saber versus Conocer – meanings, conjugations in the present tense, & how to use them in context. The verbs DAR & DECIR – meanings, uses, & conjugations in the present tense How to conjugate stem-changers a.k.a. “slipper verbs” in the preterite tense How to conjugate -car/-gar/-zar verbs & the irregular verbs Leer, Creer, Oír, and Ver in the preterite past tense Be able to identify the indirect object and then replace it with an indirect object pronoun (to whom? or for whom?) *You use these with GUSTAR! How to use a demonstrative adjective/pronoun with a noun (this, that, these, those) – Which ones have accent marks & what’s the difference in using an adjective versus a pronoun?
To review conjugating in the past tense: 1) We have regular verbs (Examples: Abrir, Hablar, Comer) *What are your endings for –AR/-ER/-IR verbs in the preterite tense? YOU HAVE TO MEMORIZE YOUR PRETERITE TENSE ENDINGS! 2) We have stem-changing “slipper” verbs in the past tense– Only –IR verbs can stem-change in the past tense. The stem-change will only happen inside of the slipper and it will be a 1 to 1 change (e:i), (o:u)! Examples: Preferir, Servir 3) We have –car/-gar/-zar verbs. These verbs have a spelling change, but ONLY in the Yo form! Examples: Empezar (Yo empecé), Pagar (Yo pagué), Practicar (Yo practiqué). 4) You have the irregular verbs SER & IR. Remember these verbs share the exact same conjugations in the past tense & there are NO ACCENT MARKS!
Repaso: Ch. 7 Vocabulary Sequence words (first, then, finally, etc.) Positive & negative expression words Meanings of all the reflexive verbs Nouns (make-up, toothpaste, shower, etc.) “Verbs like Gustar” meanings (aburrir, fascinar, importar, etc.)
Repaso: Ch. 7 Grammar How to conjugate reflexive verbs with their correct reflexive pronouns (me, te, se, nos, se) “Justin Bieber reflexives” song Positive & Negative expressions - meanings & uses How to conjugate verbs in the past tense (what are the endings for an –AR/-ER/-IR verb in the preterite tense?) “California Girls” song How to conjugate the irregular verbs SER & IR in the preterite past tense “Shaggy IR conjugations song” How to conjugate verbs like Gustar (fascinar, faltar, molestar, importar, etc.), their meanings, & how to use them correctly with their indirect object pronouns (me, te, le, nos, les)