Scott Crooks Alicia Sachan Judy Felts Matthew Berry Systemic Supports & Interventions for Students with Behavioral Challenges Fall Regional Meeting November 20, 2014
Entering Activity – In thinking of completing the Do the Math activity, reflect on your school’s current practices to support students academically, behaviorally, and/or socially. – Please complete the right side of the Pyramid handout and write in the supports and interventions you currently have in place at each tier. Do the Math!
Introductions: “That’s Me” Roles Teachers Administrators -Superintendents/Assist -Directors -Principals/Assist. Clinician/Specialists -School Psychologists -Social Workers -School Counselors -Behavioral Specialists
Objectives Understanding how to maintain and sustain systematic practices by using the Blueprint and Action Planning Know and be able to utilize available resources to develop a plan focused on Tier 2/3 Leverage available resources and structures and identify roles and responsibilities to have the capability and capacity to implement a multi- tiered system across all three tiers
By the end of this session you will be able to … Identify potential resources to build a tool box of interventions to assist in implementing a multi-tiered system Identify and describe possible next steps for implementation What would you like to walk away with from this session?
Session’s Agenda Overview of Systemic Supports & Interventions Breakout’s – Tier 2 Systems – Tier 2 Interventions – Tier 3 Interventions Resources Possible Next Steps
SWPBS Implementation Blueprint
Rethinking Discipline We Should: Teach social skills and behavioral expectations directly Give positive feedback about what the students are doing correctly or appropriately.
Goal: Reduce Harm Specialized Individual Systems for Students with High-Risk Goal: Reverse Harm Specialized Group Systems for Students At-Risk Goal: Prevent Harm School/Classroom-Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings AcademicBehavioral Social Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-Tier Model of Prevention (Lane, Kalberg, & Menzies, 2009) Tertiary Prevention (Tier 3) Secondary Prevention (Tier 2) Primary Prevention (Tier 1) ≈ ≈ ≈ PBIS Framework Positive Action; Social Skills Improvement System
8 SW Essential Components Common Philosophy & Purpose Leadership Clarifying Expected Behavior Teaching Expected Behavior Encouraging Expected Behavior Discouraging Inappropriate Behavior Ongoing Monitoring Effective Classroom Practices.
Figure 1. Integrating Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support and Culturally Responsive Practices.
Goal: Reduce Harm Specialized Individual Systems for Students with High-Risk Goal: Reverse Harm Specialized Group Systems for Students At-Risk Goal: Prevent Harm School/Classroom-Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings AcademicBehavioral Social Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-Tier Model of Prevention (Lane, Kalberg, & Menzies, 2009) Tertiary Prevention (Tier 3) Secondary Prevention (Tier 2) Primary Prevention (Tier 1) ≈ ≈ ≈ PBIS Framework Social Skills Improvement System (SSiS) - Classwide Intervention Program
Students learn appropriate behavior in the same way they learn to read – through Explicit instruction, practice, feedback, and encouragement. Mis behavior = Learning Error
“If a child doesn’t know how to read, we teach.” “If a child doesn’t know how to swim, we teach.” “If a child doesn’t know how to multiply, we teach.” “If a child doesn’t know how to drive, we teach.” “If a child doesn’t know how to behave, we … … teach? … remove? … punish?” The Power Of Teaching Why can’t we finish the last sentence as automatically as we do the others? PBIS Philosophy (
Goal: Reduce Harm Specialized Individual Systems for Students with High-Risk Goal: Reverse Harm Specialized Group Systems for Students At-Risk Goal: Prevent Harm School/Classroom-Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings AcademicBehavioral Social Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-Tier Model of Prevention (Lane, Kalberg, & Menzies, 2009) Tertiary Prevention (Tier 3) Secondary Prevention (Tier 2) Primary Prevention (Tier 1) ≈ ≈ ≈ PBIS Framework Social Skills Improvement System (SSiS) - Classwide Intervention Program
Three Tiered Models of Prevention: A Comprehensive Approach Primary Prevention Academic Behavioral Social Goal: Prevent Harm Secondary Prevention Academic Behavioral Social Goal: Reverse Harm Tertiary Prevention Academic Behavioral Social Goal: Reduce Harm Lane, Kalberg, & Menzies, 2009 Address varying responses to intervention Three-tiered school-base intervention model
3-Tiered System of Support Necessary Conversations (Teams) CICO Social Skills Behavior Contracts Self-Management Newcomers Club/Mentors Study/ Organizational Skills Academic Complex FABI Universal Support Problem Solving Team Tertiary Systems Team Problem Solving with function in mind Problem - solving Universal Team WRAP RENEW Secondary Systems Team Plans SW & Class-wide supports Uses Process data; determines overall intervention effectiveness Standing team; uses FBA/BIP process for one youth at a time Uses Process data; determines overall intervention effectiveness SSD PBIS Adapted from : Eber, L. T301fi: Tertiary Level Support and Data-based Decision-making in Wraparound [Presentation Slide]. Retrieved from Tier 3/Tertiary Series Training Resource Guide (2010). Illinois PBIS Network
Universal Targeted Intensive Integrated Continuum of Support for ALL Dec 7, 2007 Science Soc Studies Reading Math Soc skills Basketball Spanish Label behavior…not people
Universal Targeted Intensive Integrated Continuum of Support for ALL Dec 7, 2007 Science Soc Studies Reading Math Soc skills Basketball Spanish Label behavior…not people
Goal: Reduce Harm Specialized Individual Systems for Students with High-Risk Goal: Reverse Harm Specialized Group Systems for Students At-Risk Goal: Prevent Harm School/Classroom-Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings AcademicBehavioral Social Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-Tier Model of Prevention (Lane, Kalberg, & Menzies, 2009) Tertiary Prevention (Tier 3) Secondary Prevention (Tier 2) Primary Prevention (Tier 1) ≈ ≈ ≈ PBIS Framework Positive Action; Social Skills Improvement System Let’s do the Math! What percentage of your student body count would fall into primary 80%, secondary15% and tertiary 5% ?