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Presentation transcript:


DISTRICT-1 st year Goal: EMERGENT Training & Commitment O School has attended training covering 10 Critical Elements of PBIS O The school principal is committed to the PBIS framework (attends a minimum of 80% of meetings) O The PBIS team is active and meets regularly (at least monthly)- sign in sheets required with meeting minutes as artifacts Fidelity Instruments O Team has submitted 2015 ‐ 16 End ‐ of ‐ Year (EOY) report prior to deadline O PBIS Team has completed: O Walkthroughs, Team Implementation Checklist (TIC), Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) Outcome Data O A score of 70 ‐ 79% on the BoQ O ODR’s or suspensions are declining or have stabilized (10% fluctuation)

PBIS is about Systems Change When a school goes through the PBIS process O Do the systems change? O Do the changes affect children? O Do the changes affect teachers/staff ? O Do the changes endure?

Administrators & Fidelity What can we do? O Ask students if they know the Expectations and the Rules O Ask teachers to tell you what the expectations are and what they look like in different locations? O Check to see if behavioral expectation lessons are included in teacher lesson plans. O Listen to hear if the PBIS schoolwide expectations are being communicated to students by all staff?

Fidelity Are staff members implementing the documented reward system? Are ALL students who are following schoolwide PBIS expectations being recognized and rewarded. (this does not include verbal praise, shouts outs, kudos) Who is being rewarded? Does it DIRECTLY align with the PBIS Matrix? Visit main areas on campus (classrooms, labs, gym, cafeteria, media center, restrooms, hallways) to determine if Expectations and Rules Posters are visible

Fidelity O While conducting observations, walkthroughs, TKES, instructional rounds look for PBIS critical elements.

PBIS will SUSTAIN only if …. O A PRIORITY for faculty, staff, and administrators O „ EFFECTIVE for ALL students O „ EFFICIENT for school personnel for school personnel O „ ADAPTIVE to change

Formative Internal Evaluation Frequent progress monitoring of how well we are doing with the implementation Are we really using PBIS? Are we fully implementing ALL 10 critical elements? Are we using the data to make action plans & checking on how well our action plans are being followed?

ODR’S O Does the staff understand the difference between minors and majors? O Are we referring to the Student Code of Conduct which has been approved by the BOE and aligns with PBIS principles? O Are we entering only majors into Infinite Campus and SWIS (this year only)? Does the data match? O Are the consequences in line with the student code of conduct?

O Am I logging in frequently to SWIS to look at my SWIS dashboard which gives me a quick temperature check of the building? O Am I monitoring how many students are being rewarded? How many are not? O Am I monitoring my staff to determine who is rewarding and who is not? O Am I monitoring my suspension data? Not just numbers but who was suspended, for what, and does it line up with District guidelines etc.