Rawlins Middle School Data Presentation Fall 2013
Discipline Data
Factors Impacting Discipline O We had some gang & drug issues, which resulted in expulsions and law enforcement involvement. O RMS joined into the PBIS training offered through WDE and began implementing PBIS. O We began to implement Discovery, by half of the staff had training.
What the numbers may not show… O With PBIS if students have 3 minor referrals it becomes a major that can result in ISS. O We have been able to utilize our ISS room to help students in danger of failing at the end of a quarter. O In all honesty, we probably have incidents that were not even on the radar before resulting in ISS.
Behavior Goal O Collaborate to reduce the number of non-compliance, disrespect and defiance referrals by 20% as measured through SWIS Data. O What are we doing to get there? O Over 95% of teaching staff has been trained in Discovery. O Principal does regular walk throughs focused on the use of Discovery in the classroom. O Teaching teams regularly review Discovery together an with their students. O In we found that students were not as interested in the Colt Cash program as they once were, so we changed it up. O Renewed focus on PBIS.
Math PAWS Facts O 6 th grade historically, scores higher than 7 th or 8 th. O Both 7 th & 8 th had a slight drop in 2013 O Since we have made gains! O 6 th grade scores are up by 18 percentage points O 7 th grade scores are up by 27.8 percentage points O 8 th grade scores are up by 17.8 percentage points.
Fall 2013 MAP
Math Goal O 65% of RMS students will demonstrate Math Proficiency on the Spring 2014 MAP test. O What are we doing to get there? O Strategic and Intensive interventions O Alternate Math Core designed to move students faster to build up missing skills. For students below the 21 st percentile in MAP. O Strategic scripted interventions for 1 period a day on top of their regular math class, for students in the 22nd to 39 th percentile.
PAWS Reading Data
Reading PAWS Facts O In 2010 we experienced some of our lowest reading scores. We attribute that to an “implementation dip” as we began to utilize a new reading curriculum. O Since 2007 we have made the following gains: O 6 th grade scores have increased by 16.4 percentage points. O 7 th grade scores have increased by 20.1 percentage points O 8 th grade scores have increased by percentage points.
Fall 2013 MAP
Reading Goal O 65% of RMS students will demonstrate proficiency in reading on the Spring 2013 MAP test. O How will we get there? O Intensive intervention in the form of an Alternate reading core for students below the 21 st percentile. O Strategic intervention in the form of scripted reading programs for students in the 22 nd to 39 th percentile.
New Accountability Method Under the new accountability program Rawlins Middle School was considered “partially meeting expectations.” We met the participation target. We did not meet performance and equity. We were meeting targets for growth of students with us for the whole year.
Attendance O In a nut shell, attendance rates at RMS have not been bad, but everyone can get better! O We have been diligent about sending out the 5, 10, and 15 day letters. O This year we are adding a pamphlet on why it is important to have regular attendance at school with each 5 day letter. O We have created a list of students that need close attendance monitoring and contact those families as soon as we notice the student is not in attendance.