Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service
Today is Friday, November 20 Day 2
Congratulations, to our newly inducted NHS members!
Today is Eucharistic Adoration for the Seniors. All are welcome to come and pray in the presence of Our Lord any time throughout the day.
This weekend, remember to get the supplies for the Personal Care Kits for the poor. Remember that the homeroom that makes the most kits, wins a prize!
Attention all Forensics Students: Please check the Edmodo page for a message concerning registration for the upcoming tournament. If you have any questions, please see Mr. MacDonald or Mrs. Rinkacs.
There will be a MAPS meeting on Tuesday, November 24th, directly after school in the study lounge area. We will be discussing our Thanksgiving service project. Please bring any and all new ideas for service projects.
CCW Yoga
CROSSROAD SCHOLARS: Mandatory weekly meetings with Fabian in the Pittsburgh Room. Freshmen & Sophomores meet every Monday. Juniors & Seniors meet every Wednesday." CROSSROAD SCHOLARS: Mandatory weekly meetings with Fabian in the Pittsburgh Room. Freshmen & Sophomores meet every Monday. Juniors & Seniors meet every Wednesday."
The Shakespeare Club is sponsoring a trip to see the University of Pittsburgh’s Production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream at The Stephen Foster Memorial Studio Theatre here in Oakland for the 2:00 matinee performance on Sunday, November 22nd. If interested, please see or Mrs. Rinkacs to reserve a spot. Tickets are free to students with a high school ID.
All Freshmen GCI members should see Ms. McNulty before Thanksgiving.