Wrapping up Modern America
Conservatism Revives Cold War helped revive Conservatism. The Religious Right – citizens felt that society had lost touch with traditional values ERA(Equal Rights Amendment) feminist push upset some religious conservatives because it challenged the aspect of the traditional family Phyllis Schafley was a well know feminist who led the movement for equal rights Televangelists and the Moral Majority Led by Jerry Falwell, helped build up a network of ministers to register new voters who backed conservative candidates
Conservatism Revives Roe v. Wade – single defining issue that brought many Christians into the conservative movement (right to an abortion) Gun Control and the NRA NRA – became more of a political voice after the Gun Control Act of 1968 Heritage Foundation – a “think tank” that provides political leaders with research papers, policy ideas, and concrete recommendations on how to change the law
Reagan “Star Wars” – proposed the Strategic Defense Initiative(SDI) to develop weapons that could intercept incoming missiles. Iran-Contra Affair – US secretly sold weapons to Iran in exchange for the release of American hostages in the Middle East Profits of the sales were then sent to the contras in Nicaragua Investigation found Reagan had no knowledge of the passage of money End of the Cold War The Berlin Wall comes down on November 9, 1989 signifying the end of the Cold War
Clinton Foreign Policy Balkans Crisis - Long-time ethnic hatreds in Yugoslavia that led provinces to seek independence (opposed Serbia); Civil Wars in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Kosovo; Clinton/U.S. response to genocide (ethnic cleansing) – led NATO bombings, held negotiations, provided peace keeping troops, Yugoslavia eventually broke up. Similar to events (ethnic cleansing) that happened in Rwanda in early 90s.
George W. Bush Domestic Policy Hurricane Katrina – Category 5 storm with storm surges that broke levees and flooded low lying parts of New Orleans Local/State/Federal Government response was slow Bush fired the head of FEMA and Congress approve $200 billion for repair
USA PATRIOT ACT Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism The law made it easier to wiretap suspects, track Internet communications, and seize voice mail. Authorities were permitted to conduct secret searches and were allowed to obtain nationwide search warrants.