Patriot Games A new birth of freedom…?
James Carter Economic downturn : Carter promises a new and fresh approach to governing : Oil shock (prices go up) : Camp David: Peace Settlement between Egypt and Israel : Iran Revolution - US diplomats taken hostage in Teheran 1979: Soviets occupy Afghanistan – Carter begins military buildup
Ronald Reagan Believed in economic freedom Family values Fight against crime Restrict homosexual behavior Opposition to abortion and ERA Revived the space program Soviet Union = Evil Empire The defense budget was increased dramatically peace through strength” Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) (Star Wars) Operation Able Archer 83 Renewed talks with Soviet Union
George H.W. Bush o “Read my lips. No new taxes” o dramatically cut the number of U.S. troops stationed in Europe o In July 1991, Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, calling for massive cuts in the nuclear arsenal
William Clinton “America, to endure, must change … change to preserve America’s ideals – life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. Though we march to the music of our time, our mission is timeless.”
George W. Bush Historic significance? New Age of Patriotism