Schedule 24 September 2012 Christian Irmler (HEPHY Vienna) Joint PXD and SVD Meeting Göttingen.


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Presentation transcript:

Schedule 24 September 2012 Christian Irmler (HEPHY Vienna) Joint PXD and SVD Meeting Göttingen

SVD construction schedule 2Christian Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)24 September 2012 MS Project Considers dependencies between tasks Not complete yet Need information from collaborating institutes! Latest version (and history) online Today, we should discuss the schedule and define some milestones

Mechanics – Ladder design Design of L4-6 has been fixed in March L3 design very close to final Improvements and finalization in progress  Immanuel Recently: discussion about overlap Attention: Any changes in design can / will cause delay! 3Christian Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)23 July 2012

Mechanics – End mounts Schedule unchanged New design in progress (improved SLM + screws) Cooling contact / heat transfer  in progress Details  I. Gfall 4Christian Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)24 September 2012

Mechanics – CF parts New schedule agreed at Bad Aibling Milestones: –Material decision until March 2013 –First prototype August 2013 –Final cones ready August Christian Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)24 September 2012

End flanges Schedule defined at Bad Aibling Requirement list until this workshop Production until Q3/2013 6Christian Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)24 September 2012

Mockup Milestones agreed during B2GM in Bad Aibling Design freeze in Nov Production by KEK Mockup presentation: B2GM March Christian Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)24 September 2012

Cooling services & APV cooling Good progress  within schedule First prototypes Origami pipe fixture available and under test 8Christian Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)24 September 2012

Front-end electronics prototypes successfully tested 9Christian Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)24 September 2012 design submitted prototypes available designed but yet not ordered prototypes tested  ok design very similar to +z L4-6  soon! We should soon decide whether we use single- or double-layer pitch adapters!

Back-end electronics FPGA daughter board design in progress FADC and NECO afterwards Prototypes scheduled for 1 st quarter 2013 Firmware development starts once HW is designed (~ beg. of 2013) Details will be presented by Markus. 10Christian Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)24 September 2012

L3 Sensors 11Christian Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)24 September 2012 Specification needs to be fixed soon! Design depends on overlap discussion. Specification submission until Nov 2012! Production until May/June 2013

Trapezoidal Sensors Prototypes delivered in August (slightly delayed) First sensor test already done Module assembly for beam test in progress Beam test & irradiation in October Order for series production in December Christian Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)24 September 2012

Ladder assembly We have detailed plan for L5 Need detail plans for other layers! Production can / must start in summer 2013! 13Christian Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)24 September 2012

SVD assembly & installation (preliminary) Ladder mount procedure (LMP) –Discussion should start now –Many things to consider –Design & construction of assembly table Q2/2013 –Test of table, tools & procedure Q4/2013 –Final procedure ready by July 2014! 14Christian Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)24 September 2012

Others Please check the schedule If something is missing? If something is wrong? Any delays / changes? Please tell me 15Christian Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)24 September 2012

Responsible persons Mechanics  I. Gfall Cooling & Services  A. Frankenberger End flanges, support shell  KEK, S. Tanaka Electronics  C. Irmler, M. Friedl Ladder assembly  C. Irmler, Y. Onuki –L3  Melbourne, G. Taylor –L4  TIFR, R. Kamesh –L5  Vienna, C. Irmler –L6  IPMU, Y. Onuki Sensors –Barrel sensors, HPK  T. Tsuboyama –Trapezoidal sensors, Micron  T. Bergauer Mockup  KEK, ? –Thermal mockup  ? –Precise mechanical mockup  S. Tanaka SVD assembly and installation –all groups –is not very detailed now 16Christian Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)24 September 2012

Thank you 17Christian Irmler (HEPHY Vienna)24 September 2012